Last again

the-green-machine[1]Last night I met up with a bunch of other owners from our fantasy football league.  Usually the draft selection is not that well attended, a few times there were only four of the twelve teams represented.  Last night we had owners from eight teams present which was cool. My team is Green Machine.

I was downing a steady diet of Miller Lite drafts to help me blend into the situation more effectively.  It took awhile for everyone to get there and even longer for the actual draft order selection to begin.  People were just drinking and shooting the shit.

Finally the picking began.  Twelve numbered poker chips are dumped into a purple bag and each owner takes a turn picking.  To be fair the picking should probably be worst team first (me last year) but we just randomly went around the bar.  I was second to the last one to pick.  The only two numbers that were not drawn yet were 7 and 12.  As I reached in the bag I boldly predicted to the other owners I would be pulling the 12 out of the bag as I have an uncanny skill in doing so. I have picked last in the draft three other years.  I looked like Nostradamus as I snagged the last pick once again.  Luckily I am very casual about my fantasy football career so picking last again rolls right off my back.  Hell the one year I picked last and finished in second place so I know miracles can happen.

This weekend has a fluid schedule.  We are supposed to be adding a rower to our exercise equipment arsenal.  A friend of ours is selling his Concept 2 rower, the same model I used at the gym.  Rowing is an outstanding full body movement which probably rivals swimming as one of the best non-impact exercises you can do.

I want to get a run in as well as more mileage on both of our personal transport vehicles.  Of course chores await as well, they always do.