Wheelie Cool, Interesting phenomenon

I was very anxious to get home last night so I could do some extended riding on my new Gotway Msuper.  Cindy said she would come along but not to ride but instead to get in some evening running around the track which was fine with me.  After maybe 5 minutes on the wheel I started to feel much better than I did on my initial ride on Monday night.  I rode around the school area testing myself on various obstacles that I have already conquered on my Ninebot One.  There was no turn, terrain, or obstacle I couldn’t do on the Msuper although it definitely does require some different physics to achieve the same results.

Once I got more comfortable with the control I toyed more with the newfound power and speed I now had available.  It felt awesome to be able to cruise comfortably between 15 and 20 mph.  The added weight and size of the wheel makes moving at higher speed feel very stable.  It was a great ride and I really was hoping Cindy got the sudden urge to run a half marathon so I could have kept tooling around even longer. I am looking forward to many, many miles ahead perched upon the single tire.

I have seen an interesting shift from some people that were hard core Bernie Sanders supporters, shifting their support to Trump instead of the candidate Bernie endorses, HRC.  The reasoning behind the shift the best I can tell is this, an enemy of my enemy is my friend.  In this case the enemy is government establishment in both major parties, the media, and conventional big money backers.

The fact that Trump has an astonishing amount of republicans that have publicly disavowed him is a positive in the eyes of these people.  Bernie, despite being a long time member of Congress is definitely an atypical politician.  Trump is even more atypical, with viewpoints and statements that are vague, divisive, immature and downright dangerous at times.  These former Bernie supporters seem willing to dismiss/forgive all of Trump’s sins on the off chance that he will be equally disruptive to the status quo if he would be elected. To me it’s like a game of craps except the only way you win is if you roll snake eyes.  To them, some chance of meaningful change is better than no chance at all I guess.

All of the smearing going around about Hilary’s corruption, emails, scandals, etc. honestly makes me shake my head.  Naive people are acting like a politician lying, cheating, or doing questionable things is abnormal and outrageous.  What the hell, it’s an assumption, much like assuming most lawyers are assholes.  A politician lied?? Gasp.  Cut me a break.

Please provide me the list of people in Congress (or Trump) that would come out looking positive if their email communications were made public.  It would be a very short list that likely would result in you handing me a blank piece of paper.   Hell I think you can extend that litmus test to ANY person that utilizes, email, instant messaging, or text messages.  If it was made public for the world to read things would be exposed that would you would not be proud of, guaranteed.

So anyway, to get back to my original point of Bernie people flipping to the Trump train.  I can understand that the desire to shake up the system could be so strong that you are willing to vote for somebody that is so woefully underqualified for the job in the off chance he doesn’t step on one of the various landmines that await.  I would say two things to these people.  I respect your right to vote for whomever you want but will respect you more if your vote is an ultimate contributor to a horrific scenario in the future, you are brave enough to admit your failure in judgement. Second, no matter who wins the presidency, nothing of significance will change unless both parts of congress are under the same parties control.  Bi-partisanship is unfortunately dead and buried in today’s world so unless congress has the same majority nothing of real significance is going to happen in either direction, ever.