On the eve of the end

trumpbclinton1I had one other thought that I forgot to bring up when I made a political post last week about fuzzy numbers.  This point is totally non-partisan and somewhat baffling to me.  Why is there such an emphasis on political rallies and their influence in the election?  I mean think about it.  If somebody feels strongly enough about a candidate that they are willing to inject themselves into the craziness of a political rally, they are already going to be voting for that candidate.  How many people attend a rally as a basis to make their political decision? It’s moronic.

All you are going to hear at a rally on either side is how awesome the rally candidate is and how awful the competition is.  There will be absolutely nothing objective presented to a potential voter in this environment.  So the question remains, what is the point of preaching to the choir again and again?  If the ultimate goal is to swing as many undecided minds in your direction, how does endless rallies help accomplish this goal?

This was exactly my thought pattern when Trump showed up next door to my property, holding a rally in deeply conservative (and rich) southwest Florida.  Did anyone that was undecided or a potential Hilary voter all of a sudden decide to flip red just because Trump was in town?  I personally can not see how that could be.  Generally speaking, after all of this bullshit, how anyone in the country could be undecided a day before the election does not compute in my mind but maybe that is the problem, maybe I am the odd one.