Archives January 2003

SPAM, I hate it, let’s

SPAM, I hate it, let’s cover some of the highlights from today’s 100+ spam messages I will receive:

Norton SystemWorks 2003 blowout sale – last chance

Copy DVD Movies – Free Software Included


Superpool Jackpot – Bet Now on the Showdown in San Diego

Intuit’s Quicken Deluxe — FREE for

Powerful Voice Recognition from IBM, U Talk, it Types

This is only a tiny sample of what I get in a day. SPAMMERS must stay up late at night dreaming about all sorts of ways of phoenetically spelling words so they get past our filters. They are the armpits of society. Can’t wait till SPAMMERS start goin to jail.

Fishy my original beta has

Fishy my original beta has been acting lethargic. I hope he isn’t ready to kick the bucket. I changed their water and moved him to the west side hoping that a change of scenery might perk him up. Crossing my fingers.

True winter weather is supposed to be rolling in today. Tomorrow morning they are calling for low temperatures around 30 degrees! It has the potential to be the coldest it has been down here in 7 or 8 years! It’s a shame it is happening now because we have compnay Friday and Saturday. Too bad it is going to be so chilly. However, back up close to 70 by Sunday.

I heard back from the insurance company regarding my dead Buick. They are totalling the car, meaning I will be getting a check for the insured value soon. I did a salvage buy back, meaning I am keeping the car. I am trying to sell it to one of the Buick enthusiasts down here as a parts car or a restoration project.

Saw American Idol on tivo. Wow it was amazing to see how many people that are horrid singers tried out. Why? There is no way these people could think they sang well. It’s unbelievable how bad some of them were.

Damn it, damn it, DAMN

Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! The Eagles had their best opportunity in 20 + years to march into the Superbowl. All of the indicators pointed to an Eagles win. Tampa was 0-6 in playoff road games, 1-20something under 32 degrees, 0-3 in the playoffs against the Birds. The Eagles had so much emotion and energy from the fans before the game, you would think the Vet would explode. The Birds explode and get a TD in the first minute of the game. A PERFECT SCENARIO. However they respond to this tremendous start by going into a shell and playing cautious and soft for the next 2 quarters.

Donovan in a word was BAD. His inaccuracy was on display again, as well as his lack of pocket presence and tendency to hold onto a ball too long. The defense was SOFT. They abandoned the agressive style that has worked so well in the past for a rush 4 and play zone style that gave up tons of soft yards underneath. They only returned to an agressive D once they were down 2 scores. The running game was a NON-FACTOR. They only get yards on the ground when they run in obvious passing downs. They can not run the ball down anyone’s throat since the 2nd half of the season. The play calling was CONSERVATIVE. I am so tired of 3 yard passes when you need 10. Stretch the damn field.

The Eagles were able to single handedly stop an unreal surge of momentum. Instead of using the crowd’s energy to make plays, they played it close to the vest and let the Bucs become the agressors. It was their’s for the taking and they simply choked. A horrible loss that I will never forget. I can only hope they can go up from here but sadly I think this was this team’s crest. Down from here I would imagine.

A TOTAL, INEXCUSEABLE CHOKE! I need something to strangle…..

I got the prop for

I got the prop for my plane last night. It is the folding variety so it should not break so easily. I installed it last night and then took it out before work today to try it. Yuk, it was all over the place, went into a tree and broke a bit off the aileron. Determined, I retrieved it and launched some more. I finally got it up but it was a mess in the air. I definitely have some adjusting to do this weekend.

I worked on my DVD burner issue again last night. I tried reinstalling the apps, going through the registry all to no avail. I was able to burn a dvd using Nero however. Very odd. I gave up. Then this morning I remembered the neato feature of Windows XP, system restore! XP automatically saves checkpoints at various times that allows you to roll back your configuration to that checkpoint. I picked a date back in December, let it run the sys restore and BAM, it all worked again! VERY COOL. One of those features you don’t appreciate until you need to use it.

We have a long weekend this weekend. However, Alison has to work Saturday and I have work to do some work in Sarasota on Monday. My plans this weekend include cleaning, working the bugs out of my plane, hitting my new golf clubs and getting some good xbox time in.

Sunday is the NFC championship! We will be glued to the set. I can only hope the Eagles will play as well as they are capable of playing. It is going to be a tough game.

Coldest weather of the year is supposed to blow in this weekend. Lows in the 30’s overnight and high only in the upper 50’s. Very chilly by south Florida standards. It could be worse, Tim said it was 9 up in PA the other morning.

Are there any more depressing

Are there any more depressing commercials on TV than the Wachovia ones? Do they make anyone want to use their bank? The music sounds like a good tune to hang yourself by. Terrible.

Watched Bachelorette. Cowboy was mad cause Trista didn’t give him a shot. Get real buddy, she HAD to pick 15, you were just rounding out the lot. Don’t worry, Hee-haw is hiring. She really is getting bent out of shape already. That guy she was smooching with really rubs me the wrong way. Slimy weasel. I think his plan is backfiring though. She is already getting sick of him.

Frustrating computer night last night, my DVD burner isn’t being recognized properly anymore. I installed a couple DVD programs that I fear may have stepped on something in my configuration. I am hoping to be able to get it sorted out WITHOUT having to reload my original configuration. I just got it all tweaked how I want it, I don’t want to go through it again. It isnt recognized to burn DVD’s, but I burned a CD-R with it last night just fine. Go figure.

What is your opinion on pickles? Like them? Hate them? Leave a comment. It is part of a study I am conducting.

Ali inadvertently left her gym

Ali inadvertently left her gym bag at the gym. We picked it up the following day. It was still back in the lockeroom where she left it. However, when we got home, she noticed that her Rio MP3 player appears to have been stolen out of it. Needless to say, I will be scouring the chicks at the gym to see who is walking around with a Rio. Dishonest women, grrrrr.