Happy Monday. Another enjoyable weekend.

Happy Monday. Another enjoyable weekend. The weather was not so hot on Saturday, better on Sunday. Saturday was EXTREMELY windy. There was a tornado warning in the area.

I made 2 separate trips to Home Depot over the weekend. I saw some termites in the mulch last weekend so I am paranoid about termite infestation. However when I went to spray the bastards this week, I couldn’t find them and instead there were hoardes of fireants there. Maybe the fireants kill termites. Hope so. I bought tons of hoses and associated hardware to enable all of our planted landscape to be irrigated. I now have a timer on the water line that will water 7 different areas every other day automatically.

I have been using our new grill heavily since we got it. I have grilled steak, burgers, chicken and eggplant so far. It’s really been nice to cook outside again.

We had a TON of stuff recorded on Tivo so we caught up on a lot of it. I am offically Michael Jackson’d out. I think I saw all 4 or 5 special/shows about him. After seeing all of it my opinion is I don’t think MJ is a pedophile but he sure is strange. His lifestyle is surreal and it’s a shame what he has done to his face. I’ve had enough though.

I’m A Celebrity Get me Out of Here has made our Tivo season pass list. It is pretty entertaining. The main reason I wanted to see it was cause Stutterin John from the Stern show is on it. I also saw Are you Hot for the first time. It is very uncomfortable to have the male judges judging whether guys are hot or not. Made me squirm a bit. We also watched the Grammy’s last night (part of it) My quick observations. Bruce looks REALLY disturbing when he sings. Don’t like when they share the microphone either. Aretha Franklin was huge and appeared to be wearing a Christmas tree skirt. The tall skinny black girl with the huge fro totally butchered the award she was presenting for. I did not enjoy NSync doing the BeeGee’s tribute, sounded way wrong. The Kid Rock / Cherly Crow duet was pretty good. The award to the Gibbs brothers was touching.

Busy week at work. Lots to do.