Weekend update

We had a good weekend. On Saturday we went to a Red Sox spring training game versus my hometown Phillies. The Phillies won in a game with 5 or 6 homeruns. The stadium was PACKED and it had a nice aura about it even though it is smack dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The stadium was old but I preferred it to Hammonds stadium which we attended last year for a Twins spring training game. We could only get general admission seating which meant we either got to stand or sit in a old style bleacher area in the right field corner. It was shoulder to shoulder but we had some nice folks around us. It brought back memories of my youth when baseball meant EVERYTHING to me. I used to know everybody on every team. I hardly give it any thought anymore. I don’t know if it is the disappointment of my own failed aspiration of playing pro baseball our just my disgust with all the player strikes and greed in the game. I just don’t care much about it anymore. Even so, it felt good to be back in the environment again.

On Sunday we hung gutters for our neighbors and then did a number of little home projects. It was dreary and rainy all day which is a rarity in Fla, so we took advantage of it. We put in a cat door in the utility room so the cats have a safe haven from the puppy. The puppy has been ok. She is a handful that requires a LOT of our attention but we are sort of getting used to it. Maybe we don’t notice just how much our our focus is on babysitting her since we have been doing it for close to a month now.

I got a bunch of flights in with my RC planes in, including an onboard video flight session with my new SlowStick. You can check out the videos at my RC site.

We watched two movies this weekend. Bowling for Columbine, a limited release documentary that focuses on guns and violence in America and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Crouching Tiger was a unique flick that had some unbelieveable fighting scenes with WOMEN! They were truly amazing. Overall the film was average but it was a nice change of pace. BFC was VERY good in my opinion. It really opens your eyes regarding why America is what it is. It is amazing how violent and fearful our society is. If you have a chance to watch this one I would recommend it. Unfortunately the director, Michael Moore really turned me off at the Oscars. He won for best documentary, but then decided to use his speech time to spew anti-war propoganda, something the recepients were specifically told not to do. It was very distasteful and he was booed off the stage. Good.

Tempering any good feeling I had about the weekend was the war coverage. Things are starting to get real. POW’s, loss of life and the realization that this is not going to be a walk in the park. I really feel terrible for the people involved. I often wonder how I would react in a situation like that. I would hope I would respond favorably to the call of duty but I can imagine it has to be terrifying to realize that you are literally throwing yourself into a potential meat grinder. I have faith in our preparation, technology and personnel. I hope that translates into a swift resolution to this.