War, Best Buy and miscellaneous goodies

I watched the marines pull down the statue of Saddam in central Baghdad yesterday. It really was reminiscent of the scene when the Berlin Wall went down. Hopefully they are able to actually govern themselves and not just have a different dictator in charge. It was great to see the Iraqi people so excited about the regime falling apart.

I just had another friend of mine get the shaft by Best Buy. I LOVE Best Buy but hate the service. Is that possible? I love going into the store, love the layout, love the STUFF. However it seems they are very stand offish when it comes to returns. I am sure they have countless attempts by people to do dishonest things when it comes to returns, but it seems this paranoia causes them to give people with legitimate issues a hard time as well. If you look a little on the internet you will see many, MANY sites dedicated to bitching about Best Buy.