More scams

Being in the IT biz, I am naturally very cautious with stuff I get in email. A few months back I got emails from scammers pretending to be EBAY asking for me to update my info. The source email address looked fishy and I reported it to ebay. It turned out to be a scam. Today I got an even more believeable one from Paypal (supposedly) It again asked for me to verify my account information. If I followed the link it took me to a site that looked exactly like paypal. However there were two tip offs, first the URL was an IP address, second the site was not a secure site. If I was half tempted to do this, I can only imagine how many inexperienced users might fall for this scam. Sneaky bastards, I hope they get nailed to the wall.

My mom’s puter had Windows ME on it. It ran like CRAP. Constantly thrashing on the hard drive even though it has 128 meg of ram. Last night I loaded XP on it. What a difference, it runs 100% better. Windows ME SUCKS!

I feel a bit better today, less negative. The past 2 nights I have taken one tylenol PM. It helps settle my mind. Physically I still am feeling beat up. I keep trying to do bicep curls at the gym and no matter how light I go, the next few days afterward my wrists feel like hell. I was walking towards the house yesterday, doing nothing special and got a stabbing pain inside my knee. Just out of the blue. Crazy.

The summer wet season seems to have arrived here in SW Florida. We are starting to get our daily brief downpours.