Virus/worm madness, car accidents, holiday weekend

All of this virus/worm activity is really getting to be a pain in the ass. Even though we are firewalled and have extensive virus screening/detection/removal in place at work, we still are getting hammered indirectly by SOBIG. Morons who opened the infected email attachment have been sending out mails with our email addresses as the REPLY TO address. This is probably because they visited one of our web sites and the virus grabbed the email address from there. As a result, we get hundreds of bounce messages from other email systems about how they detected a virus from us. (even though we never sent it) It is such a pain in the ass and our ISP broke our outgoing mail in an attempt to limit the problem.

2003 has been a bad year for cars in my family. My classic Buick burned up on New Years day and now this weekend my mom’s car was totalled when she was hit by a drunk, high school kid. My mom was ok, but her car is wrecked. This kid, did a high speed u-turn in front of her, fishtailed, came into her lane, got hit on the side, rolled his car and then tried to DRIVE AWAY. He didn’t get very far and was caught by the police. Evidently he had a night of heavy drinking and was in a rush to get home. I hope they really throw the book at the punk. Yea young kids are stupid but when their stupidity puts the lives of others at risk, they need to get smacked in the face with reality, hard. Now we have to find my mom new wheels.

The holiday weekend didn’t live up to the anticipation. (they rarely do) We finally got the kitchen totally back in place after the tile work and did various routine maintenance stuff outside. I mowed the back of the property which took 2-3 hours. I finished the last half hour in a driving thunderstorm. Horizontal rain was smacking me in the face. I was so close to finishing I wasn’t coming off that tractor no way, no how. I trudged into the house dripping wet and covered with grass. I spent a lot of time on the puter playing online. I know it annoyed the wife somewhat but when I asked her if there was anything she wanted to do she said no, so I figure, why not do what I want to do then? The 3 days went by very quickly as they always do. It’s a catch 22, when we have a super busy weekend we wish we had time to lay around and do nothing. If we lay around and do nothing, we feel stir crazy and look for something to do.

We had our first full weekend with the aligners on our teeth. It was fine. I can hardly tell I have them on except for my mouth drying out more than normal. It definitely affects your eating. You want to be sure to eat enough to last awhile so you don’t have to go through the pop out, eat, brush, reinsert, routine too often.