Eagle epiphany, hurricanes, dreams

I realized today that I am already over the Eagles loss. In a way that is good. I think that now my expectations for the season have been lowered drastically so each successive loss will be less of a shock to me. I EXPECT them to lose the next game.

That hurricane that initially gave us a scare here may instead wind up cutting right through PA. They have been drenched up there already. I can only imagine the flooding if they get hit by Isabel. The weather up there dating back to late last year has been horrid. I can only imagine my state of mind if I was there still.

Had a dumb dream the other night where I was in college at my current age with a buddy of mine I used to play baseball with growing up. We were in the lunchroom eating but it was right on the beach overlooking the ocean. It kind of looked like a northern CA coast with rocks and stuff. That is pretty much all I remember of it and I have no idea what would trigger such a thing. I hated college during my extremely brief stint there and have no desire to return.