Arnold wins, goat gone, Cruise eve, Playmakers

Arnold won the governors race! Good for him. I have no idea how he will actually do as governor, hopefully he has a strong supporting cast. It sounds like he will have a lot of resistance with the existing political incumbents. I think he is very determined.

I was really disgusted with Cruz Bustamante doing a speech in Spanish basically trying to bribe all of the illegal immigrants to vote for him by promising free college education and driver licenses for illegals. I find that idea outrageous. I am really, REALLY sick of the coddling of illegal mexican immigrants. Here in Florida we have a huge illegal immigrant problem, not as bad as California or Texas but still very significant. I respect the right for someone to move to this country, become a citizen, pay taxes and become a contributor to our society. But, I can not stand the idea of all of these people sneaking across the border illegally and then working here, getting benefits from our country, taxing our medical system by using the emergency rooms for any illness they encounter and all without paying one cent towards taxes. Any person that supports and encourages this behavior is out of their mind. I understand Mexico is a cesspool but why not support birth control and fix what is broken there, instead of pawning off their problems by shoving their people across our border. It really burns me up. People in Florida don’t have to be able to read or speak English to get a drivers license. How stupid is that?

The goatee is gone, it feels good to be clean shaven again.

We leave tomorrow for the cruise, back on Monday. We leave from Miami, go to Key West, Cozamel and then back again. It will be nice to just relax for 4 days, it doesn’t happen very often.

Has anyone seen Playmakers on ESPN? A very racy show for conventional cable TV. There is tons of T&A, sex and swearing on this show. It is supposed to be based on the lives of pro football players. It certainly seems to be over exagerrated for sure but I find it entertaining none the less. Check out one episode, once the kids are in bed.