Explain Matrix, Eagles, Weekend

I saw the Matrix finale this weekend. I love the Matrix, the first one was great, the second one had great action, a strange plot and was rather difficult to make sense of. This last one was more or less a bummer for me. Some great action and effects but there were so many questions that had no answers, for me at least. See if you can fill in any of these blanks for me. (Don’t read if you don’t want parts revealed)

– The oracle became a different woman in the last one, why? Rich said the lady that was the Oracle in number 2 died. I guess that explains it.

– The french guy has Morpheus, Trinity and Chinese bodyguard surrounded and demands the Oracle’s eye’s in trade for a ride for Neo on the train. Trinity gets mad and points gun at Frenchie and says basically, I’ll just kill you if you don’t give me a ride. Frenchie agrees. (even though they have the three totally outnumbered)

– I have to agree with Rich, what the hell was the deal with Frenchie in the first place?

– How did Smith manage to get into the guy’s body on the ship? That was never explained.

– The little indian girl’s role in the movie is what exactly???

– Why would the machines need Neo to get rid of Smith? I thought the machines created the Matrix?

– How did Neo all of a sudden get super powers in his normal human form? I thought he was only GOD in Matrix world? Blowin up machines by just pointing at them…. what the?????

– Why did the machines just hang out when Neo and Trinity flew into their city? A place where no human has been able to get within a 100 kilometers of, ever?

– Explain the ending to me, the old guy made the matrix? Is he a program? A machine? A human?

It was a sorry way for it to all end in my opinion.

The Eagles had their best performance of the year IMHO. My superstitions are still in place. Last year, if I wore any Eagles garb while watching the game, they lost, so I stopped wearing it. This year the exact opposite is true. Every game where I did NOT wear Eagles clothing, they LOST. Every game they won, I was wearing Eagles stuff. Of course it makes zero sense that my clothing decisions would affect a game in any manner, even so I will be wearing midnight green till they lose one. Last week I managed to score tickets to the Eagles / Dolphins MNF game in December. 2 Eagles games in one year, while living in Florida, I would have never thunk it.

The weather down here is just about perfect at this point. High of about 80 and low in the lower 60’s, just great. On Saturday we cleaned and organized. Our office looks 100% better now. We also stopped at a lawn & garden show at the fairgrounds right down the street from us. We picked up 4 trees and a plant at a good price. Sunday we mowed, weeded, trimmed and picked up. I dug out my tangled mess of hoses to set my make shift irrigation system back up. It doesn’t look pretty but it keeps the plants looking good. Sunday was my mom’s 56th birthday. I got some filet’s and Ali made her a cake. It was a nice little surprise for her. She is 56, hard to believe, makes me feel all the older. I remember going shopping for her 30th birthday present with my dad. Cripes I am almost 6 years olders than that already. She is holding up well for her age I guess.