Gym follies, Green Bay kindness

The gym is not only a great place to get in shape, it’s one of the best places for human behavior observation. Todays safari spotted a guy wearing floral pattern surfer shorts and a tank top that was 2 sizes too small. His furry beer belly poked out. The guy was decently strong but it was funny watching him on the decline chest machine. On this piece of equipment, the weights rest on rubber stops. This guy was bouncing each rep off these pads hard to enable him to do more weight than normal. I mean we all do that from time to time, throw form to the wind in order to do a heavier weight. But this was so blatant it was comical. His big belly hanging out from his too tight tank top, while he bounces heavy weight off the rubber stops. In one of those pointless acts of one upsmanship, I got on the machine shortly after him and did slightly less weight, 12 times without bouncing the weight like a pogo stick. I made sure he saw it. Ah the stupid little things men do. I now understand why an old man at the gym a long time ago grumbled “fairy” under his breath in my direction the one time I decided to wear my floral vball shorts to the gym. It just looks dumb.

I engaged some Green Bay friendliness at Wal-Mart over the weekend. We were checking out. Our girl was giving us the all too typical silent checkout routine. You know the one where the first words you hear are how much the total is? Well I surprised her by blurting out “How are you doing, you look tired, has it been a long day?” She warmed up, smiled and was nice to us throughout the rest of the transaction. This shit works. 🙂 Ali looked at me like WHAT THE HELL? When I explained to her I was using Green Bay friendliness, she scoffed I should use more of it at home. Hmmm I wonder how they handle disagreeable wives in Green Bay? 🙂