Phone Booth, Weekend, Birds

Friday night while my wife was at some art show that her hair dresser was in, I decided to flip through the pay per view stuff on the satellite. I found that Phone Booth was on. Cool little flick! It was pretty amazing how someone being stuck in a phonebooth could make a good movie but it really was good. An interesting study in human nature. Thumbs up.

We also caught ELF in the theaters this weekend. It wasn’t as funny as I had heard but still it was a cute holiday film, just not a side splitting funny movie.

The weekend itself was rather lowkey. I had half of my to do list done before Ali rolled out of bed on Saturday. We took my mom to look at a place that is for rent. It is owned by my buddy Mike’s brother-in-law. It is in Naples Park which is 5 minutes from my Mom’s job and about 5 minutes from the beach, a great location. It is an older duplex, nothing fancy but cute. It has nice mature landscaping, it is cute inside and a perfect size for mom. On the downside it needs some TLC on the outside. The neighbor is paid to mow the grass and keep it looking decent but it appears that he only quickly mows the front and ignores the back. Anyway, I think it could be a nice fit for her, hopefully it works out.

We went on a mini spending spree at Sam’s club. We got a NEC LCD monitor for Ali and a no contract pay as you go cell phone for Ali as well as some other goodies. The LCD was to complete the plan of making the new server serve double duty as Ali’s workstation. As a side result I know have a slimline Sony laptop that I will keep “just in case”. The cell phone replaces Ali’s old phone that harldy kept a charge and didn’t work half of the time. Ali didn’t bother to keep it on most of the time so it served us no good if I wanted to reach her. This new phone allows us to just pay for what we need, no contract and is a new phone that works. Ali doesnt call out much so it is a great fit for us and will save us a few bucks each month.

The Eagles had another strong showing. Again my Eagles garb wearing good luck charm has continued. The only concern is the defense has been giving up tons of yards, especially on the ground. I figure that will catch up to them sooner or later.

I got some more Call of Duty time in. Like I said before, it is super realistic, if you want to get a taste of what is is like to be a WW II soldier, give it a try. A very good game.

A quick 3 day week followed by a 4 day holiday weekend, perfect. Instead of laboring through intensive Thanksgiving preparations we are going to treat my mom to a turkey day dinner out (like we did last year) It was quite enjoyable not having to work so hard for a 15 minute meal. My memories of Thanksgiving are very traditional, we went to my grandparents, watched football, had dinner with grandma’s “fancy” gold plated utensils and my grandpa would say quick grace. I don’t remember specifics about the prayer except the last line always was “without you lord we’re nothin…” I haven’t had grace at Thanksgiving since he died.