
When I lived up north, I had a goal of being able to run a 10k(6 somethin miles) race. I was up to being able to run 5 and a half miles. However, the knee injuries I had prevented me from hitting that goal. My knee has felt good for awhile now since I scaled my volleyball playing back to next to nothing and have been taking my flaxseed oil for at least a year now. The other day the idea popped back into my head about doing it. I’m not getting any younger. So last night at the gym I decided to hop on the treadmill. I walked a quarter mile, stretched a bit and cranked the speed up to 7. I sweated and huffed through a mile and a quarter, slowed it down and walked a half mile to cool down for a total of 2 miles. Ugh, I have a long way to go. The good news is my knee felt fine but the muscles in my calfs and hips are sore from using them in a way that is foreign now. I’ll keep at it and see how it goes. It bugs me when I set goals that I don’t hit so hopefully I can check this one off in the next few months. At this point being able to run for an hour straight seems like a very daunting task.