Deja Vu
Last weekend as we were packing up stuff to move to my mom’s new place we found a bunch of old pictures she had in her desk. These were pictures of her childhood. As we flipped through them we came across one that was dated sometime in the late 50’s. In the picture was my mom and a table and trinket holder thing that looks like a leaf. We did a double take. These were the same table and leaf thing that we now have, inherited from my Great Uncle Bud and Great Aunt Ester after they moved out of their house into a condo. The leaf thing now sits on our kitchen counter as a cleaning pad holder and the table sits in one of our guest bedrooms. It just seemed very ironic that we stumbled across an old picture from my mom’s childhood of some items that were around then and now reside in our place. The picture had no other items in it but that table, my mom, and the leaf, weird…..
bocigalingus must be something funny.