Cycles, Weekend, Easter

It’s odd how strength cycles, since I did 265 on my bench a few months back my strength tailed. Then today for some odd reason I felt like I could do more. I slapped 260 on and was able to do it with relatively good form. The body is a weird thing. 265 next week?

A holiday weekend. I never was much into Easter. As a kid the Easter egg hunts, easter baskets and stuff, while nice had nowhere near the punch of Christmas. However Easter did mean a couple days off of school. As an adult there are no associated days off with Easter so it is more of a pain than anything. You have your Easter stuff on Sunday and then right back to the grind Monday. Just basically shortens your weekend.

Our plans are nothing special. We are going to go out to dinner with Mom. Possibly our neighbors and some of their relatives may join us. Afterward we may go hang at the beach a little bit. Perhaps it is still a hangover from my earlier in the week melacholy spirit, but I am about as unenthused about Easter as you can imagine. Don’t color eggs, do baskets or even eat easter candy anymore.