A-holes, Inivsalign anger, fire

Our neighbors, 2 doors down are assholes. When we first moved in we tried to befriend them and realized over time they are just basically strange losers, ESPECIALLY the wife. They have had several dogs since we moved in. The first one basically was kept tied to something inside the garage 24 hours a day. They would have the garage partially open so it could go inside and out but it stayed tied up always. The poor thing would bark and carry on all the time, I felt bad for it. Thankfully they got rid of it (hopefully they put it up for adoption) Then these idiots decided to sort of adopt these little dogs but didn’t restrain them at all and simply let them wander about where we eventually found them and turned them to domestic animal services. We told these losers after we found the dogs that we had them and where the dogs were and they didn’t bother to go get them. Just as well, I wouldn’t want any animal to live with these morons anyway. Then a few months ago, what do I see? Another f’in dog at their place!! Great. This is what I am imagining is going on down there. The 2 kids want a dog. The idiotic mother doesn’t want a dog and in order for them to have a dog it has to stay outside. But this dog they don’t bother to restrain either, I see it walking all over the place, on our next door neighbor’s property, near the road, ON the road. However I never have seen the parents our kids outside when the dog was roaming freely so I was giving them the benefit of the doubt and figuring that maybe the dog is just mischevious and keeps getting out accidentally. Well last night I could not believe what I saw. The wife and the son walked out of the house, the dog was sitting right in the middle of the next door yard. The woman clearly saw it and got in her jeep anyway. Then, the dog sees them and runs over to the jeep all excited and is following the car as it is going out the driveway. The woman sees this clear as day as she is going slowly to not run over the dog (surprising) Then she is out on the STREET, as she is driving away, the dog is in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, running behind the Jeep, I can see her watching the dog in her rearview mirror as she is pulling away. She LEAVES. The dog is in the middle of the road. I was by my truck, with my eyes locked on her as she drove by, hoping she would look at me so she could catch the laser beams that were coming out of my eyes. I was furious.

I had their phone number from way back when we were trying be good neighbors. The first number I had was disconnected. So I looked online for it. Another weird thing, I found their listing. It was for their address, their last name but both of the first names were different than what they told us their names were. What the F? Well anyway, I call the number, get one of those generic answering machines with a robotic voice. I leave a nasty message, repeating what I just saw and how I wanted them to call me to let me know what the deal was. I said I couldn’t believe they would exhibit such blatant disregard for the dog’s well being. Of course I did not get a callback. So the next time I see it happen I will walk the dog down there myself and confront them in person. If that doesn’t change things I’ll have them warned by domestic animal service. It is just insane that these people have a dog.

Our invisalign experience has soured. My wife has had the same set on for at least 2 months and everytime she goes back the ortho puts some more dimples in the aligners and tells her to come back in another 2 weeks. Alison’s supposed 18 month treatment plan will now be at least 2 years since she is so far behind. She went back today and again, more dimples, back in 2 weeks. She was very upset. So I called and talked to the guy. I basically asked him when do we get to the point where we stop doing the same thing repeatedly and try something else? He said if there is no progress at the next visit he thinks they will have to do something different. Something different means first recasting her teeth and sending out for an entire new set of aligners which will add at least another 6 weeks to the plan where nothing is happening. If that fails she could wind up with metal braces. But if it gets to that point her treatment plan could be extended even further. It really is becoming a fiasco. Luckily mine haven’t been as troublesome but I have been held back a bit on my plan as well.

There has been a wildfire burning out of control for about 5 or 6 days down here. It is close enough that at night I can see the orange from the flames lighting up the smoke. On the way home last night I had a flake of something land on my windshield, odd. As I continued there were more and more. I soon realized what was falling was debris from the fire. It’s a bit unnerving. It has been super dry down here. Luckily, the next 4 or 5 days have a good chance of rain. Most of our lawn is straw at this point.