Not much

Nothing much going on, at work I have started studying for the second test I need to take to upgrade my MCSE to 2003 status. This one is filled with all sorts of questions regarding features of Windows 2003 that pertain to mostly large enterprise installations. So basically I will memorize the crap for the test and never use it again. I am having a harder time studying for this one, it seems more boring than the first. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I am leaving for the day because of an orthodontist appointment. It will be a relatively long one because we have to do more “reproximation” on my upper teeth. (file between them so the teeth have more room to move) I also may have to have an attachment ground off and then reglued. I can hardly wait. Plus we will be discussing the progress (or lack there of) of Alison’s treatment. I forgot to mention that during my last visit, the ortho pulled out the new aligner for the top teeth and gave it to me. It was really tight and didn’t fit well. 3 weeks later when it was time to switch I found out why. I was supposed to be on tray 16, he gave me 17, so I have been wearing the same set up top for a month and a half, doh!!