GTO letdown, 3 days
I heard lots of hype regarding the new Pontiac GTO. It has the Corvette motor in it so obviously it will be fast as hell. However when I saw the pictures of it I was not impressed. It basically looks like a streamlined Gran Prix. The rear view of it is really lame. Looks like a low end Sunfire from the rear. The wheels aren’t anything special either. For what they are charging for these suckers they could have put some effort into making the styling more distinctive.
A nice little 3 day week. Since I don’t have to spend my days cramming for my cert tests now I can relax a bit. I have several things I need to get started on but don’t particularly feel like it. I am debating if I want to tackle one of the home projects on my list like building a closet in our bedroom, making a bench/storage seat for the kitchen, buying/hanging a pot rack, tiling one of the 2 bathrooms or buying a shitload of mulch and spread it in our various landscaped areas. Since our weekends have been non-stop busy for the past 2 months we have been basically treading water financially so it would be really advantageous to have a lull in the spending so we can get more cushion in our bank account. I don’t know, I am getting the bug to do SOMETHING. Hell I have a table full of Vette parts that have been sitting around for weeks as well. We’ll see what inspiration hits me.
I went to the gym yesterday for the first time since last Wednesday. It’s amazing how just missing that short amount of time makes me feel like I am out of shape. I basically weigh the same but I feel like a slob. My joints weren’t enjoying pushing heavy weight around but it felt good to get back into the routine. A new month is upon us so I will once again be trying to mix up my exercise program. I used to do the same routine for years, what a difference.
bocigalingus must be something funny.