4th of July fireworks

Much to blog about but it all can wait till next week, except this. Remember the neighbors 2 doors down that I called and left a message to regarding them letting their dog run down the middle of the road? Well I still have not seen this dog since but it came to a head of all days, today the 4th of July. I never heard a peep back from them. We got back from the movies and I get back inside from walking Nicki where Ali tells me there is a message from Jack and that I wasn’t going to like it. Well she was right, I didn’t. I was infuriated. I immediately called back, they weren’t home, I was shaking with anger but still managed to leave a non-obscenity filled message asking what the point of the message was and asked for a call back. I of course immediately made an electronic copy of it so it could be used later. I was basically stomping around the house for awhile, when the stomping stopped I was still thinking about nothing else besides how ridiculous, ignorant and pointless the message was. If you listened to the message, let me just clear up what he is talking about. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 to 24 MONTHS ago I had my very first RC plane crash into their roof as a storm was approaching. It caused no damage to the roof of course but it destroyed the plane. I went down to retrieve it, his wife came out, I told her my plane crashed into the roof, I apologized and went home. He spoke of that incident like it happened yesterday. I believe since that time I was on their property exactly one time over a year ago when I asked for help unloading the fridge. (which he very nicely offered to help with) So since that time, there has been basically no contact with them at all. The flag rant is unexplainable to me.

About 2 hours later the phone rings and I see it is him on the caller id. I prepare for battle. Within seconds I am barraged with f this f that, you f’in this don’t ever f’in that. As I tried to respond to his rant he simply would continue yelling. I repeatedly tried to get him to stop so we could at least loudly discuss what the issue was. Finally I got out of him that it was all about the call I made regarding the dog being in the street. A call that I made almost exactly one month ago. He again was showering me with F’s and wound down the conversation by inviting me to take “my skinny ass” down there and talk to him face to face if I dare. I said “Fine, I’ll be right down” Click.

I was fuming, really really angry that this moron is attacking me because I had the gall to care about the safety of his dog. I threw on my socks and shoes and marched down to the front of his driveway. Of course all of this was against the will of Alison but there was no way I could let this dope call me out. So I went to the front of his driveway just standing there for a minute or two, knowing damn well he would be out. I wasn’t disappointed. He came out and it was basically more of the same. Immediate F you, keep your nose out of my F’in business, blah blah blah. As mad as I was I made an effort to remain calm enough to try to make my point. I asked him if he wanted to hear the truth. “I already know the truth!” he screams. I said how can that be if you weren’t there? He said “I played your message over and over” So I tried to again explain that I called because I was concerned about the dog’s safety. “F the dog!” He barks out, “It’s none of your f’in business” I wish I had this on tape to record the exchange back and forth. I shortly lost it when I realized there was no way this guy was going to listen to anything. I started firing back the F bomb hot and heavy, using it to accentuate the fact that all I was doing was looking out for the dog, I didn’t give an F about what they do otherwise. It continued for maybe 5 minutes or so. Sometime during the argument I asked him if he wanted to hit me, he said he couldn’t because I was on county property (first 3 feet of the driveway) So I took another step closer and said “How about now?” He mumbled more F’s and started back up the driveway. He said something about “If it happens again I’m calling the cops you pyscho!” *I* am the pyscho? I really had it at this point and wasn’t ready to quit. I yelled “My skinny ass is still standing here!” But even that wasn’t enough to get him to return. So I followed with “You set a fine example for your children!” His witty reply was “At least I have children!” Hehe. A few more F’s followed by “Have a nice day” as he closed the door. Jerk.

I walked back up to my property and see that Ali had called our across the street neighbor to come out just in case things got real bad. I relayed the story to him. His wife is a deputy. Her advice was to call the police to document it but I figure that would be just throwing gas on the fire. I have his original message and if any further incidents happen I will be happy to escalate this further. I am still stupified that this happened. During the exchange I asked Jack if this bothered him so much, why didn’t he call me immediately? He has no answer except that he just kept listening to the message and it was burning him up. Yea, whatever. It’s too bad that I now I have an arch enemy 2 doors down but things could be worse, he could be next door.