Hate new car dealers
It’s somewhat ironic that I would hate the profession that employed me for 14 months in my early 20’s but I just can’t help it. I bought my first new car back in 96-97 and have replaced it with another new car ever since. I can’t recall one of these dealers that I had a pleasant experience with. The upfront process of actually buying the car is filled with so many half truths, deception and outright lies it is sickening. However today my thoughts aim at the other half of the rip off, dealer service. When I first started with new cars I used to take it to the dealer religiously for service. Since I never had new cars before, I wanted nothing but the best and only the dealer could provide that, right? Dumb. Well after one sour experience after another mostly related to the obscenely high labor and part prices they charge, I wised up. The other part is the BS the service employees pull on you, trying to sell you additional maintenance at ridiculously inflated prices and then acting as if you are ignorant for not wanting to pay them this ransom for their service.
So, I am at the point that I will only take the car to the dealer if I need to and it is warranty work that shouldn’t cost me anything. Well I have had an issue with the Sentra now for awhile that I had been ignoring, the trunk leaks. I already bought one replacement trunk floor because it was warped from the leak, the replacement is also warped so I had enough. I took it in today, I also asked if they could change the oil while it was there. So I get call late in the morning, “We can’t find the leak” I wasn’t surprised to hear this but still a bit annoyed. My annoyance grew as the girl continued telling me there was lots of maintenance that should be done to the car. We got no further than her first recommendation. Your tires are starting to show feather wear, they should be rotated. “How much does that cost?” I ask, “50 dollars” she replies. WHAT? Hehe “No thanks” I replied. 50 dollars for what may take 15 minutes if the guy works slowly. What a f’in ripoff. So we went back to the leak issue. She said that the guys were spraying it with a hose but couldn’t find the leak. She said maybe I could bring it in on days where it is supposed to rain and they could check it out. “That’s not very convenient” I replied. So I asked her if they pulled back the carpet that lines the sides of the trunk and looked there? I explained that the water seems to be seeping in around the edges and it makes sense that it is running down behind the carpet liner. She wasn’t sure if they checked that so she said she would get back to me. Haven’t heard back yet but I am 90% sure I will get a call later saying they couldn’t find anything. Dealers just suck. I have no plans to ever buy another new car again. They depreciate like they fell off a cliff and the hassle a dealer provides outweighs the fleeting joy I get from driving something brand spanking new.