Guilty, another long one, Kerry
I feel bad. Last night on my way home from doing some side work I decided to stop and get gas and grab a couple burgers from McD’s for supper. As I was waiting in the drive thru line I noticed there was a bigger woman in an early 90’s mustang backed into a parking space with the car running. As I sat there I saw white smoke start to trickle from under the hood. Soon the smoke was heavy and I could see coolant dripping from underneath it. More than likely a radiator hose broke. She did not even notice the problem until it was steaming like a locomotive. Just as I got my order she had gotten out of the car and observed the mess and was just kind of standing there looking pissed off. At that moment I had to decide if I was going to stop and assist or not. On the con side I just got my food, I was already late for being home, and we were in a crowded parking lot so there was a good chance someone else could at the very least let her use their cell phone to call for assistance. I also have to be honest and admit if the woman was attractive I probably would have ignored the cons and came to the rescue. So in the space of 10 seconds I weighed everything and decided to head out of the parking lot. I felt guilty about my decision and the reality that her looks affected my decision making process. Now if it was an emergency, like her car was on fire or she was in a threatening situation there is no question I would have jumped to her aid even if she looked like the elephant woman. Still, I feel bad about it. I’m sure other then the inconvenience it caused her, everything worked out fine. Hell when my Buick was burning it took a dozen cars ignoring my frantic waves for assistance until someone actually stopped. I guess normally I would expect better of myself so it will bother me for awhile.
Ali flew out for PA this morning for a visit with her family. The trip is basically because she wants to see her Pop Pop. He is 91 and although he still is kicking and has his wits about him, you never know when that could change at his age. So I am solo for 3 days. I have no huge plans other than busting my ass on Saturday getting the house related work done so I have the other 3 days to do as I please.
I am a bit tired this morning because I stayed up and watch the Kerry acceptance speech. I thought he came off well. The speech was a bit corny in spots but overall I think he addressed the issues very well and attacked Bush without resorting to name calling. He also had a demeanor that made me feel like I can imagine him as president. That is a feeling that I never had about W. Kerry delivered the speech without sounding like he never heard some of the words before. I can only pray there will be debates between him and W. However when Gore ran against W, Gore mauled him in the debates and made W look like a dumb ass and W still won. (kind of) I’m sure a lot of what Kerry said made the rich cringe like 200k plus a year people getting tax breaks rolled back. It’s tough to go against the big money since they have so much influence but hopefully that influence can be beat down by sheer numbers of people coming out to vote against Bush. Did I mention am a registered republican? I can never remember there being such anger regarding a sitting president. Has any other sitting pres had a movie made about the deception going on throughout his administration? If he manages to win despite it all there really is little hope for progress for our country for the next 4 years.
Randy Romero
A fat chick at a fast food joint. Dont feel guilty about her car. If you wanted to help her you should have walked up and told her that the reason you didnt help her is bacause shes a fat ass. GOD willing she will then stop throwing large amounts of beef down the hole in her head.
I would have paid any amount of money to drive past when you were frantically waiving your “skinny ass” arms in the air