
I was on the xbox last night playing tennis. It seems that most of the people you play have voice communication turned off because either they don’t want to be bothered with it or they don’t want to expose themselves as morons. Well during one match I was playing some guy that appeared to have his voice disabled. I had mine on. It was frustrating match where I kept making unforced errors. I was yelling very loud at my mistakes, swearing and basically ranting and raving. Well after he beat me, I heard a click and he says “good game”. Evidently he was muted the entire time but was listening to me the entire match. Doh! He was laughing and was good about it. He was from Nebraska. Later I played a guy from the UK that was a much better player than me but let me win anyway and offered me all sorts of tips. He was incredibly polite. Congratulating me on good shots constantly. He told me a bunch of stuff about his job, life in England, stuff like that. He mentioned during our conversation that he was black which amazed me because I couldn’t tell at all by the way he spoke. He was real cool and is now on my “friends” list on xbox live. Some brits may be snobs but we sure could learn a thing about manners from them.