Scary, enough already, redesign, vball
It’s official. Doom 3 is the scariest godamn game I ever played. Even though the game play is still lame the game environment is so realistic and scary I can’t stop playing it. The dark realistic visuals, the monsters that pop out of dark corners and the erie, haunting sound is truly terrifying. I hope I can finish the game soon so the nightmares can stop.
It poured AGAIN last night. For the last 8 days we have had at least an inch of rain every day. 3 or 4 of those days we had over 2 inches of rain! The yard is a soppy mess and the mosquitos are unbelievable. Last night when I took Nicki out for a walk I was hopping up and down to try to keep them off me while trying to slap the leash on Nicki’s back to keep too many from landing on her. It had to look absolutely ridiculous to any observers.
My one web designer/programmer buddy inspired me to do a quick refresh on I haven’t touched the home page in at least 2 years so it was way overdue. I went for something abstract yet clean. I think it’s cool. The picture is one I took at Ding Darling. It is a huge nut that is used to hold an electrical tower to the concrete base. There are various ways you could interpret the symbolism so I liked that idea. I moved to a newer message forum as well. Hope you like it, if not, too bad, I’ll change it in another 2 years. 🙂
This weekend I am going to the east coast to play in another vball tourney. I am taking the Vette. I never took it this far but it needs to be driven so I am going to give it a go. It should be fine. If it rains I could have a bit of a puddle inside from the rotting weatherstripping. 🙁
Multiple ways to interpret your home page……nope, just one. Only an idiot would go to a nature preserve and waste time, money and energy on photographing a construction fastner. Only an even bigger idiot would use the photo as home page background.
So I guess the commentary on me can not be good since I am a daily visitor to this idiot site. I vow to someday have a real job which will not allow this idle time……………….