Here we go again, completed, more weirdness

I came into work today and the hurricane shutters are down already. This hurricane is a monster and even though we are on the west coast, we could still see hurricane force winds over here. With where I live, since I am east and north will actually see more of it. Hmmmm. I wasn’t all that concerned other than getting a lot of rain. The winds this time will be hitting the back of the house, the pool cage could be at risk. The other day I just got my adapter cord that will allow me to run our water equipment off the generator so if we lose power we should be able to get by much better than the last time. Our office could be closed again tomorrow.

I FINALLY finished Doom 3 last night. The last bad guy wasn’t the most difficult one in the game oddly enough. After he went down I was a bit disappointed by the cinematic ending, after putting so much time into the game they could have made the ending a bit longer. I was relieved when I finished it but also a bit regretful. Along the way I got hooked into the game. Not because the gameplay was ever great, it remained repetitive through out but the detail in the environment was so immersive that it really put me into game. I still don’t think it is worth 60 bucks, but it is an instant classic just because it sets a new standard in FPS visuals (and sound).

I had another very odd dream last night. Actually I think I have lots of odd dreams but I don’t remember many of them. Last night was especially strange. Ali and I were in store, an electronics store looking at phones. For some reason we decided we were going to steal/shoplift them. Even though I don’t remember having a weapon, they evacuated all the customers out of the store. So by the phone counter was me, Ali and Howie Long. Howie Long worked there. Somehow I knew him. We grabbed 2 phones, 1 black corded model and a wireless one. Howie said he didn’t care if we took them. We joked about how it was nothing since he made so much money. So we put the phones in the bag, said bye to Howie and walked out of the store. We walked right by all of the evacuated customers. We smiled and picked up the pace and tried to blend in with the crowd. I remember worrying that we would be stopped but for some reason we never were. The last thing I remember was we were driving in the car as I was thinking about how it was weird that noone stopped us and how I felt guilty about stealing the phones. At that moment I woke up enough to realize I was dreaming and didn’t have to be guilty since I didn’t really steal anything, what a relief.