Health scare
I got up this morning like any other morning and first thing I hit the bathroom just like I always do. However this was a different day. As I was standing there I started feeling like I was going to blackout. My vision was literally starting to get black. I went over and sat on the edge of the tub but still felt like I was going to drop so I got down and laid on the floor on my back. This position seemed the best. Once I was on the floor I called Ali in. I had cold sweats, was pale and my skin felt clammy. I just stayed on the floor for awhile and then eventually felt ok enough to get up and lay in the bed for a few minutes. As I laid there I felt a bit better and soon was able to get up. At first we were thinking that I should go right to the doctor, but as I walked around I felt alright, a bit off, but ok. The incident scared me of course as I NEVER had anything like that happen before so it naturally set off the alert flags. But against Ali’s wishes I said I would just go to work and monitor how I feel.
Today at lunch instead of going to the gym, I went and checked my blood pressure. Ali said my symptoms could be from low blood pressure. However when I checked it, it seemed high. Higher than I remember it being. I always thought my numbers were always below 120/80, today it was around 140/90. That isn’t terrible but it is higher than the optimal numbers. I was curious what my numbers had been the last few times I was at the doctor. I called them up and got readings from 2000 on. I noticed a disturbing upward trend with the numbers. My first reading in 2000 was 120/70, the last time I was there in 2003 it was 136/84. So my current numbers aren’t much different than last year but a lot different than 4 years ago. So all of this has injected a good dose of paranoia into my current views of my health. If another near blackout occurs, off to the doctor I go. I am hoping it was some odd combination of stress, bad sleep, a tough gym workout, maybe being dehydrated… I have bust ass work to do this weekend so it should be a good test to see if my problem is something more serious.
Sounds like work is going to be closed Monday and more than likely another day or two beyond that. Cross your fingers it misses us.
I read on that many men are having ‘Clinton-itis.’