Big win, sick of….
It was a nice win for the Eagles last night. It’s amazing that the Vikings only had 16 points, they drove up and down the field all night. I think they may have punted only once. The Eagles got some breaks but they were agressive and played well. It’s been a great start to the season so far. The game ended around 12:15, when my alarm went off at 5:45 it was a struggle to get out of bed. I need to get to bed at a decent hour tonight.
Last night before the game, we watched the Big Brother show from friday on Tivo. During the show the F bomb was dropped as plain as day. I wonder what sort of penalty is in store for CBS?
I am so sick of people using the “I’m so and so and I approved this message” spoof in their own commercials. I see/hear this all the time. Damn lemmings.
Another beheading video is out there to disgust and enrage us. The mentality of these terrorists is outside the scope of what I can comprehend. How can they grab people that are there in civilian support roles and brutally murder them? I mean is there any possible way this can ever stop? I don’t see how. The war in Iraq has been the best thing to happen to terrorists. Now they have a huge herd of possible targets in their backyard to pick off daily as they please. This all has just gone so wrong. Is there a point where we say enough is enough? As I’ve said before, the second we pull out of there, the country immediatley will resort back to it’s former chaos. (not that it isn’t chaotic now) I have no idea how we are going to ever get out of Iraq at this point. 87 million a day……
bocigalingus must be something funny.