The Steelers put a big, glaring spotlight on what we already knew. The Eagles are far from perfect. The Steelers embarassed the Birds on both sides of the ball. I shut it off early fourth quarter and took a walk to burn off some steam. You can’t let people run the ball on you at will without repercussions. I’m not sure how they will fix their defensive problem. I just don’t know if they have the personel to do much about it. The TO / Donovan episode on the sidelines was rather uncomfortable to watch, I hope it isn’t the first seed of discontent. On the upside, if you are going to get man handled, embarrassed and destroyed by a team, I’d much rather it be during week 8 instead of the NFC championship game. Hopefully this will be a wake up call for the Birds. Nice game Steelers (who used to be my team as a youngster during the 70’s)