TO launched, mild weekend, racin, Wilma Video

Word came down Saturday that TO was suspended and I was damn glad to hear it. I was happy about it even before I knew that he got into a fight with Hugh Douglas and challenged the rest of the team as well. I really wonder about his mental health. This moron went from having the world at his feet after the Super Bowl to being the league black sheep in less than a season. He has destroyed his money earning capacity for the remainder of his career. Any team foolish enough to take him on certainly will not pay him nearly what he could have gotten if he kept his mouth shut and was a good soldier.

The Eagles did little against the Redskins. Westbrook ran 16 or 17 times and gained a pathetic 24 yards. I have no comprehension of how this team can not run the ball. They have the biggest offensive line in the ENTIRE league, crazy. However, since TO has been taken out of the picture, I am fine with whatever results the Eagles are able to produce from here on out. If they finish 4-12, so be it, at least TO will be history, yea, I am THAT sick of him.

The weekend was mellow, we hung out and did stuff around the house. I talked to the insurance adjuster. He told me that he is concentrating on the customers with roof damage first, which I can understand. There was an article in the paper estimating that there are between 5000 and 6000 pool cages with damage in the county from the storm. Plus, October 1st they started with new, stricter building codes for cages which will further delay the rebuilding process. The bottom line is, it could be this time, next year until we get a cage back 🙁

This Friday we are entering our first ever running race. It is a 5k but is unique. It is run back and forth across a bridge in Fort Myers and it starts at 7pm in the evening. The bridge has a sizeable hump in it that will be a challenge since all of our training has been on flat surfaces. Ali is convinced she won’t be able to run the entire race without stopping, but I think she may surprise herself. There are a number of events coming up in the next couple months and we hope to enter several of them. The experience is a bit different for me as instead of running as fast as I can, I will be trying to help pace Ali. And at the end of a 5k whether I run my pace or Ali’s, I’m still tired. My big clod hopper feet have been aching through the arch a bit. Ali says it is from my 6 or 7 year old running shoes. The great part is my knee is basically a non-issue, thanks flax seed oil!

On Saturday I decided to attack the remnants of the pool cage. My plan was to rip it apart and cut it up to get a few bucks from the scrap yard. I wasn’t sure if it had to be bare aluminum so I was ripping out the rubber and screening which was taking a loooong time. After a half hour of work I may have gotten 5% through it. Then in an amazing coincidence, some guy with a truck comes walking around the back, asking if I wanted him to rip it up and take it away. I quickly measured the prospect of spending half a day breaking it down and then more time to take it the recycle center to make maybe 100-200 bucks versus just letting them do it. The decision was easy and with me and the 2 guys breaking up the cage, it took all of 45 minutes. Of course all they did was tear the screen off, they didn’t remove the rubber, which if I did, would have taken less time. They had driven down to the area from north Florida. I thanked them for their work and they drove off. Ali suggested that maybe I should throw some money their way which I immediately dismissed, saying they will get paid at the recycle place. We picked up the screening and screws, filling 6 large trash bags.

I ripped off the video I took of Wilma and trimmed it down to 14 minutes. If you want to see a hurricane in action take a peek. Broadband only, the file is between 20 and 30 meg. The visuals and especially the sound is impressive. There are a few minor expletives in the tape. 🙂