30 cents

Has anyone else noticed that the price of gas has gone up about 30 cents in the span of a week? Has anyone noticed that there has been no mention of it in the news at all? No reason, no explanation, no justification, just 30 cents more. Last week I paid 2.37 a gallon and this week the same gas station is selling gas for 2.69 I suppose the oil companies felt the need to put another quick billion or so into their already fat wallets. It makes me sick.

For awhile now I have received complimentary subscriptions to Eweek and Network World. The way it works is once a year you fill out a lengthy survey and they give you the subscription. In an effort to simplify my life, I realized that I get next to nothing out of these magazines so when my renewal notices came around this time, I ignored, deleted and threw them all away. They have been relentless. I keep getting the magazines month after month, each one wrapped in a special covering saying this is my absolute last issue if I don’t renew. Yet, the next month another one comes. I continually receive emails from them and junk mail, all pleading for me to renew. It has been going on for at least 4 months. Now today I come to work and they have sent me a fax asking me to renew. WTF? I refuse to renew, I am curious how long it will continue.

The DaVinci code is a fictional story based on a bunch of wild real world facts. One thing I just read about was the number PHI which is 1.618 (pronounced fee) Evidently this number is used repeatedly through out nature. 1.618 is the pattern that is used over and over in terms of proportion. For example if you take your total measurement from head to toe and then measure from toe to belly button and compare the numbers, your total height will be approximately 1.618 of the distance to your belly button. If you measure from shoulder to fingertip, and then compare that to the distance from your elbow to your fingertips, the number will reappear. Hips to feet compared to knees to feet, same deal. This number permeates nature everywhere in the way that living things are laid out. It really is amazing. This book is really, really good.