Monday report chock full of disjointed thoughts

When I was driving home on Friday I saw a full size Ford pickup truck that had 5 mexicans in the cab and another 9 jammed into the bed of the truck.  I shit you not, I counted.  That can’t be very safe. 

On the way home I had two stops, Sam’s club and the grocery store.  Sam’s club is the only place I have found Zone bars in bulk so while I am there I grab other bulk items to save a few bucks.  I even found a 3 pack of the Izod boxers I like so I grabbed them as well.  Then I hit Publix for the rest of the list.  On the way out to the car I saw a bumper sticker that would have been funny if it didn’t have a degree of stinging truth.  It said “Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam”

One of the things I got at the store was 2 six packs of my favorite alcoholic beverage, Zima XXX.  Over the years I have taken some heat for liking Zima as much as I do.  I really don’t care.  It tastes decent and has more alcohol content than beer, a win/win in my book.  I put it to good use Friday night.

Usually when Ali goes out of town I have one get drunk and play games online night. Friday night was the night.  I put down one of the six packs of Zima.  The drunkeness on Zima is much better than what I experience with things like Goldschlager, Vodka or rum.  Zima is a smooth and steady ride into the land of inebriation as opposed to the others that come up all of a sudden and smack you in the face, often with disasterous results.

Ali gave me the green light to finally replace my computer and I decided for the first time in 6 or 7 years I was going to buy components and put it together myself.  Buying the canned boxes is easy but they throw so much extra shit on there that you don’t need.  So as I am getting drunk I am speccing my new system.  I talk to Ali from PA and get her blessing and when I am fully toasted and at the end of a marathon game playing session at 1:30 in the morning I submit the order for my pc. It should show up this week.  It has some nice specs, Pentium 3.2 Dual Core CPU, 2 gigs of RAM, 600+ gigs of hdd space, Nvidia SLI 6800 video card all wrapped up in an aluminum case with transparent side window.  I can’t wait to get it up and running.

The plan is to migrate my current system and then wipe it and set it up as a new pc for Ali and the box Ali is using will just be a dedicated server.  Having her try to use that box as a workstation has been a pain in the ass, it’s too slow.

Playing WoW drunk always is fun.  It is one of the only times I get on our team’s Ventrilo server to communicate with the other players via voice.  When I am drunk I have much more to say than sober, it’s much more entertaining.

On Saturday after I shook of the cobwebs, I had a game plan all laid out in my head, I wanted to knock out the chores quickly so I could relax.  I didn’t lay out an overly ambitious list because I just didn’t feel like busting my ass all that hard.  Mowing the grass didn’t take very long because there is a ton of standing water again so I mowed around it.  I had everything tied up by noon.  Not having Ali around means many things take longer because of one less set of hands.  I had planned to go for a long walk with Nicki on Saturday afternoon but just as I was getting ready to do so, the skies opened up yet again and washed those plans away.

I spent a lot of time watching movies and shows that Ali cares not to see.  I watched a few Contender episodes (boxing reality show) and then checked out two movies that have been sitting on my hard drive for months and months, Doom and Dukes of Hazard.  I liked Doom.  Doom is based on the video game of the same name which was one of the early pioneers in FPS(first person shooter) games.  The Rock was the lead character in the flick.  It had lots of suspense, blood and gore, just like the game.  I thought it was awesome towards the end where they shot a scene that mimicked the game visual, where all you see is the weapon out in front of you as you blast everything into chunky red bits.  It was better than I expected, it gets a B. 

Dukes of Hazard was pretty lame.  I was a fan of the tv show but even so I knew making the show into a movie was going to be an uphill battle.  I cringed as I saw scene after scene where they wreck another Dodge Challenger, they were sweet cars.  The action was decent with the car chases, jumps and wrecks.  Jessica Simpson was hard to miss as Daisy Duke, outstanding.  Burt Reynolds is just far too disturbing to look at anymore.  The combination of surgery, botox and wigs have transformed this guy that was cool as cool could be in Smokey and the Bandit and Cannonball Run into a freaky looking old man.  I mean I can relate with not wanting to age, not wanting to succumb to the years but when it makes you look like another species you have gone too far.  Well anyway, the movie was solidly average for me so it gets a C.

I was all pumped up to watch Transporter 2, I had that on my HDD as well.  I was majorly bummed when I discovered I had downloaded the spanish version….  The final movie I watched during the weekend was The Sixth Sense.  Yea I saw it before but I wanted to see it again.  Ali didn’t really want to see it again because of the scary elements in it.  This was a Tivo’d version that was taped off of the ABC family channel so they cut a bunch of shit out which was too bad.  It’s a powerful movie and really hits me on several levels including divorce, death, relationships and dealing with loss.  I’m glad I watched it alone. 

On Sunday Nicki and I got to do our makeup walk.  We hit the streets early, out the door by 8am.  Nicki needs more exercise.  We did a great little route that probably covered close to 3 miles.  She was tired at the end but she was having fun exploring new areas.  It was interesting for me to see the houses around us at walking pace.  They span the gambit from luxurious homes with gated entries and immaculate landscaping to foot high weed filled lawns with homes that still have their christmas decorations up. Nicki basically crashed for the rest of the day, she was wore out.

Ali told me her brother no longer wants his Treo and asked if I wanted it, I said hell yes!  I don’t think I would turn on full blown data access because the plans are too expensive but I will trick it out all the same.

I have pretty much turned the bills over to Ali during the last year or so, the times when she is away and I do the bills it makes me feel like I should go back to doing them.  Not because she is doing a bad job but because I feel out of the loop on just how much money is going out. Ali doesn’t get bent out of shape about money, I do.  I paid out around 15k in bills (including the pool cage bill)  My head was spinning trying to get a handle on how many directions our money goes, it is staggering.  Then on top of it I got the property tax bills for the 2 pieces of land we own in Lee County.  I almost shit my pants when I saw them.

  When we bought the land both were assessed at around 4k and had been right around that level for 10 years.  Well last year they raised the assessed value 400% to around 16,000, increasing the taxes 400% as well.  Well this year they raised the assessed value ANOTHER 300% to a staggering 42,000.  Between the two lots we will be dropping about 1400 bucks in taxes.  I went off and sent the Lee County Appraiser a nasty email asking them how they can explain that the costs of the government tending to my VACANT lots has gone up 700% in two years?  I mean it is beyond ludicrous how local government thinks it is no big deal to exponentially raise people’s taxes year to year. I mean it is just beyond words how disgusted I am with the financial aspect of living in our area right now. How am I with my 4% raise a year supposed to keep up with living expenses that increase at a rate 10 times that?

I remember when I was a kid my dad bitching about taxes, how unjust they were how pissed off it made him.  I remember thinking dad was just being a malcontent, everyone has to pay taxes, what is the big deal?  Well I now know what the big deal is.  I can only imagine how Dad would have reacted if he lived here and got bills like this.  He may have been on his way to the government complex with a bag of horseshit to throw across the desk of the appraiser’s office.  I am so pissed but so frustrated because what can I really do about it….

Ali comes back this evening.  It will be good to have her home.  I really will be pushing for us to do fun but inexpensive things to entertain ourselves.  The walk with Nicki was a perfect example of a great way to spend some time.

I am kind of bummed that Pluto is no longer considered a planet.  I am not quite sure why this bothers me.  Maybe it’s just because that was taught to me as fact when I was in school.  Maybe the kids that were taught the world is flat felt the same way.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the headline in the news this morning that Ernesto is now projected to plow into south Florida.  Last thing I had heard was it will hit the gulf and land up north somewhere.  Yea people are starting to freak.  For some reason I am not thinking about it much and am counting on them being wrong.  However if tomorrow the track still holds, we will be going through the fire drill of putting all outside loose items into either the shed or garage.  The last thing we need right now is more hurricane damage.