BBCPG, epitome of pathetic

Big Butt Cell Phone Girl or as she will be known from here on out, BBCPG had made some strides at the gym recently.  In late July I documented how she sleepwalked through her gym time and spent most of it doing nothing more than speaking on her cell phone while doing a cardio machine at kindergarten difficulty level. She was on her cell phone less and there were 1 or 2 days where I didn’t see her on her phone once (although she always keeps it by her side)  I even had seen her do some weighted exercise machines to mix up her routine.  Well today she fell off the wagon.  She had the phone glued to her ear as she walked in the door, as she walked out of the lockerroom, the entire time she was casually sauntering on the treadmill and still when she walked back into the lockerroom.  Unreal.  Before I hear the “don’t you have anything better to do than watch other people at the gym” comments, let me interject that most gyms, including this one have their walls completely covered in mirrors.  When you are in between sets there is precious little else to do than look around.  I wonder if BBCPG says on her phone calls “Yea, I go to the gym everyday but just am not seeing any results…”  Hmm I wonder why.  I was singing “BBCPG…” to myself, it is kind of catchy…

Last Friday I saw two examples of one of the things that is on the top 10 of all time annoying things for me.  People parking in the handicap spot that have no apparent phycial handicap except being lazy son of a bitches.  Two times I saw people pop out of their cars after hanging their tag on the mirror and head for our office front door.  One of these people saw I was looking at them in disbelief and immediately slowed thier pace and made a blatant attempt to seem more impaired than they were 2 seconds ago.  It is freakin pathetic.  I love the ones that have a tag for no other reason than they are f’in fat asses that are so heavy they can’t walk.  It’s ironic that they probably got that way largely in part for avoiding lengthy walks in the first place. Let’s reward their laziness and further encourage it!  Disgusting.