So f’ing tired

This is the first time I have gotten two 300 workouts in during the same week for a while.  I was so damn tired it wasn’t funny.  I was dripping with sweat and panting.  I didn’t even bother trying to do box jumps but instead substituted 25 step ups with each leg.  Even those didn’t feel good on the knee but at least I could do them.  I also threw in the extra 20 pushups so my total for the day was a lofty 233 reps.  However the number is misleading.  If I was doing that number using only the exercises I am supposed to be using it would be impressive. With the bastardized version I am running currently, it is good but not great.  I am up to 35 reps with the deadlift.  It is getting to the point that my grip starts to fail as I get into the 30+ territory.  Same thing with the wipers, by the time I get over 20, my wrists and hands are burning.  The sense of relief after that last set of pull ups is completed is hard for me to duplicate anywhere else in my life.  You are so physically beat down, yet feel good in an exhausted, sweaty way at the same time.