Our Monday morning got off to a rocky start. As I went into the office, I spotted a large pile of excrement in the corner of the dining room. It was too big to be cat created and I was unsure if it was vomit or shit but I was leaning towards the latter. When Nicki came out of the bedroom, I pointed to the area and asked her “What did you do!!??” She instantly slinked back into the bedroom, admitting her guilt.
Now normally, the majority of excrement I spot, I instantly attend to myself, begrudgingly. After all, they are MY cats from before meeting Alison. However, when there is possible dog diarrhea on the rug, I’m not going that alone. I didn’t wake Ali up immediately, I waited till I was getting closer to being ready to go. I give her the news and of course it isn’t what you want to be woken up with. So while I am in the bathroom finishing up, Ali went out and started on it. Once she disturbed the pile, it smelled like shit to me, although Ali originally indicated she didn’t think it was. Either way it was f’in disgusting. Ali did the preliminary removal and then I came in with the handheld mini “steam vac” to apply pet odor/stain removal solution and then use the rotary brushes and vacuum head. It’s going to take some additional work this evening. Times like this make a bare concrete floor seem very appealing.
The big list of weekend chores got all knocked out on Saturday. Thank goodness the ebay mower blades fit, although they were slightly different than what was on there. The new blades are “low lift” blades, I think the old set were “high lift”. Eh, they cut grass, that is what mattered. I knocked out everything on my list in a block of 5 or 6 hours of continuous work. The last outside chore I had, washing the van after washing the truck, was cut a bit short. All I had time to do was blast the mildew off the van with the pressure washer. I was hoping the pressure washer would blast off the big rust streak going down the back corner but I wasn’t so lucky. The pressure washer did do a good job of removing the mildew as well as stripping off a good portion of the pin striping.
After doing all the outside work I came in just as the rain started. Within 15 minutes I was involved in another chore Ali had started, going through the file cabinet. We hadn’t pulled out old papers in at least two years. By the time we were done, we had a bird seed box full of paper to be shredded. We now magically have a TON of space in the drawers.
One of the things Ali pulled out
of the cabinet was the “Shawn Schoolwork” folder. One of the things that wound up in there was the July 2000 edition of Volleyball Magazine. This was the edition that had a reference to my volleyball website in it. If you load my volleyball page, you’ll notice the title bar says “as seen in Volleyball Mag…”
In the article they mention my tips page that at the time had around 100 entries in it (now around 225) They picked out a few tips to publish as well. I always questioned the tips they chose to publish, there are many funnier ones in the list. Anyway to the left is a cut out of the article. If you want to see the full page it was on you can go here.
This Shawn Schoolwork folder was filled with all sorts of other stuff I looked at with amazement. I reread my rejection letter from Walt Disney World. After I graduated from Lincoln Tech, I had ideas of working at Disney World as one of the guys that maintained the animatronics.
The next thing I pulled out was a pop up card thing I made sometime before I entered my teenage years,
titled “Take me out to the ballgame” 
During this time period of my life, everything was about baseball, I loved to play, watch and listen to it. This card is a reflection of that. Look at the detail!

The next thing I came across was something I wrote during my teenage years. I don’t remember if it was a school assignment, it’s called “The Night”

Silence, solitude, an overwhelming sense of your own presence; these are the impressions I get when I think of the place that is important to me. That place is my town in either the wee hours of the morning or late at night. My town is small in comparison to a city, a suburbia, which is not known for anything in particular. It does not contain any extremes of sorrow or pleasure, boredom or excitement. I experience little fascination when observing the town’s daily routines. The time I enjoy is when my town is asleep, unaware of my being.
As lights slowly click off and person after person drifts off to an unconscious state of unawareness, I often remain awake, waiting until no motion is seen, or sound is heard. I feel unique, being that not many people I know wander through their town in the deepest and blackest times of the night. as I travel the seemingly abandoned streets, I at first feel an uneasiness in the time it takes to accommodate myself to the lack of activity and life. My initial feeling is one of loneliness of an absolute character. This is my reaction to a world that does not allow much room for total isolation. However, the feeling soon changes from a sort of docile fear to one of total fascination. As though I am the sole inhabitant of my town, I walk the streets. The only sounds heard are self-emanating. I feel at peace.
The blanket of night has covered the eyes of all possible observers. There is not a soul to deal with but myself. The absolute silence evokes thought about myself and the world I live in, that I could not comprehend in the thoughtless days of unending physical ritual. Nothing can influence my thoughts except a passing breeze or the song of a cricket. The ideas I develop in the silence of the night are the ones that are genuinely my own. The joy I feel about my night thoughts is more satisfying than any happiness felt because of a physical happening. No money is needed to achieve the peace of mind that the nighttime offers me.
My expeditions into the night do not occur on a regular basis. If they did, I could not function in the daylight hours which tax my body in a physical sense. But whenever my thoughts become a ball of tangled yarn, I slip into the night to have the darkness assist me in weaving the tangled yarn into thoughtful ideas. My logical and emotional being function best when not influenced by ever present opinions that life offers infinitely everyday. Nighttime is my psychologist, my friend, and my inspiration.
I still appreciate the night, I just don’t insert myself into the situation any more. There is something about being alone in a world that is so full that has always appealed to me.

The folder was chock full of other stuff like my final 4th grade report card and my 6th grade yearbook. I looked so damn dorky.

For some reason, I found it necessary to color in the background of my picture. they also managed to misspell my name as “Shawn Diffey” as a result, I was called Diffey for several years by classmates that picked up on the error.
As I looked over picture after picture of my classmates, memories came flooding in of my school years, both positive and negative. I was amazed how many of the pictures brought stories with them to me. I have kept in touch with absolutely ZERO of my classmates over the years. I have little mini-dialogues here and there, mostly from people stumbling across my website but nothing substantial. It just never was a priority to me. Part of the isolationist in me, see above. Anyway, the folder was a nice stroll down memory lane.
On Sunday afternoon we got out to see Harry Potter. It was an odd film. It wasn’t bad but I didn’t enjoy it like I thought I should. It was definitely the darkest of all the movies, not much laughing is to be had at all. This is an odd criticism but there was almost too much Harry. Malfoy, Harry’s arch enemy from prior books/movies had about 5 seconds in the movie. Same with many of the supporting cast which made for such interesting dialogue and plot lines in prior films, it was all minimized. Of the five movies, I think I may have enjoyed this one the least. But I still enjoyed it, just not as much. It’s getting very hard to believe the characters in their cast roles, they are growing up much faster than they can pump out movies. By the time they make the 7th movie Harry will have a beer gut and male pattern baldness. I’d give the movie a B.
This week is exciting, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow followed up with my first physical in about 5 years on Wednesday. I am getting the physical now before 40 hits so I can slide in under the number where they like to start sticking objects up your rear end. That is something I have dreaded forever and my thought process is if I get a physical now, I should be good for another 5 years at least.