Stayed off the toilet all day yesterday so I take that as a sign that my gut is now in recovery mode. Just in case you were wondering.
This morning when I was taking Nicki out I looked up after I opened the slider and was startled by a huge wolf spider right in front of my face on the glass. So I hurried into the utility room and grabbed my bug catcher. Wolf spiders are so big, almost as big as the palm of my hand with their legs extended, it is hard to get them into it. My initial efforts to snare him off the slider glass were unsuccessful and resulted in the spider briefly landing on my hand before I shook him off like a scared woman. The spider ran for it and headed out on the lanai. I didn’t want to hurt him. I was lucky enough to lead him enough that he ran into the bug catcher. I pinned him down, closed the catcher and then set it loose outside. It’s hard to explain why I don’t just smash creatures like this. My rule is basically live and let live. Now if the insect/arachnoid bites me, all compassion is out the window and it will become a skidmark. I pretty much take the same position with people.