Cat situation escalation
Well the cat urination issue just got to code red status. I receive a distressed call from Ali telling me how while she was sitting at her desk she heard a weird sound, like water running. She looks down and sees f’ing Spook pissing on the wall. Ali said she freaked out and chased the cat away. When she tried to grab her to throw her in the utility room the cat bit her. Both cats are now sequestered in the utility room with their exit blocked. Spook will be traveling to the vet tomorrow morning. If the vet tells me she has diabetes I am having her put down. It would be an impossibility to give her shots daily like I do for Buttons without suffering daily bite wounds. I’m not dealing with that. Have I mentioned how sick I am of owning cats? Hairballs are one thing, pissing crosses the line from inconvenience/annoying to blatantly unacceptable.