Apple pie, bad Bose, soon single
Last night I did not sleep well at all. It felt like most of the night I was barely asleep with lots of dreams. I remember one of the dreams pretty well. I was back at Brecknock where my baseball “career” started. I was my current age. It was a scenario sort of like The Rookie where I was throwing batting practice but then it also expanded into me taking batting practice as well as playing the field. It went on for a long time. It was just a lot of me practicing with the kids and other coaches.
The apple tree in our orchard has been producing a lot of apples this year. They aren’t perfect apples. Many are very small, many get attacked by bugs and birds but we still had collected a nice collection of decent ones. Ali put them to good use by making a homemade apple pie Friday night. She was nervous about how it would turn out. She had no reason to worry, it was awesome. We had our old neighbor and his new partner over that night and they shared in the apple pie goodness. We also all had a lot of fun playing the Wii. Wii Sports is an awesome party game.
I picked up a composter on Friday at Sam’s. Ali was very excited. It will give her a place to put various food scraps and turn them into compost which will be great for the garden. I put it together on Friday. Ali got the bin started with various organic materials on Saturday.
My Bose Lifestyle 20 surround system that I have had since moving to Florida is starting to flake out. It started since I got the new tv and console. Apparently it is a heat related issue. Basically it will work for 20 minutes or so before the sound simply cuts out. The unit does not turn off, the sound just goes out. If you turn it off and let it cool down a bit it will work again for a short while. I called up Bose yesterday. The unit had been off overnight so it was working when we went through the simple trouble shooting steps. The guy is sending me out a cable that goes between the main unit and the sub woofer. I have zero expectations of that fixing anything and expressed that to customer service rep. He said that it is the first trouble shooting step they take. If the cable doesn’t fix it then I am supposed to call back. At that point they would probably have me send the unit in for repair. Well I fully expect to be calling them back. I have been scouring ebay looking for a used unit to snap up cheap but so far have not found any suitable candidates.
When I was looking up the problem on the internet I ran across tons of Bose haters. Many people view Bose as overpriced, proprietary junk. I wouldn’t call the system junk but I don’t think I would buy another system. The RF remote makes it incompatible with my Logitech Harmony set up and I never have really liked the way the main deck looks. It sounds good enough but I think I would be just as happy with something else.
The weekend didn’t have much noteworthy about it. On Saturday I busted ass in the morning mowing. In the afternoon Ali joined me outside and we trimmed back the palmetto bush hard. Sunday it was inside work with sweeping, laundry and steam cleaning the carpet. We did spend some time by the pool which was nice. We still have Zoe with us. Our neighbor is supposed to come home today. Yesterday we noticed how bad she stank so we gave her a bath last night. Even after the bath she didn’t exactly smell like roses. Zoe seemed a bit depressed and low key the last couple days. Maybe she misses being in her own house.
Ali leaves for PA Wednesday. I’ll be solo until Sunday. My schedule is going to be jammed full of wild parties, drug abuse and loose women. Yea right. Getting crazy nowadays may consist of getting drunk while playing some WoW or Wii.
I came up with a physical challenge I want to undertake sometime this summer, a 1500. A 1500 would be doing a 300 every day of the work week. I don’t want to do it before the Rumble but maybe sometime shortly after that. I probably need to do a few two a week 300’s prior to undertaking the challenge.