
Ali read my brilliant idea for national health care and actually was impressed.  She thought it was a great idea.  She suggested I forward it to Obama.  I laughed at her idea but then later I did exactly that.  I went to his senate page and pasted in my blog entry almost verbatim.  It can’t hurt.

Yesterday as I was getting changed for the gym I realized that I stupidly forgot to pack socks.  So I had a decision to make, to wear sneakers with no socks, which I don’t like doing or wearing my tan work socks with little diamonds on them.  I decided on the latter.  I pulled them way down so little more than the top of the sock was visible and bunched up the rest of it inside the sneaker.  It was a bit annoying having the socks bunched up in my shoe but I didn’t catch anyone giving me strange looks so maybe no one noticed. 

Last night I was doing more testing on my Bose system.  I turned it on when I got home to time exactly how long it would stay on.  After 20 minutes the sound cut out.  I turned the unit off and back on a few times.  It would play for a little bit and then immediately cut out.  I decided I would call Bose again since it was now exhibiting the problem.  I kept turning it on, wait for it to cut out and then turn it off and on again, I did it three or four times.  As I was on hold I noticed that the unit was still working longer than the minute or so it had been doing.  I hung up the phone and let it on.  It kept on working from that point on.  I left it on for the 45 minutes or so that Ali did her ballet dvd workout and it worked just fine.  There must just be an electrical component in the head unit that is just flaky.

 Ironically after I have spent a decent amount of time digging into my HD Tivo, my old neighbor told me his Tivo Series 2 unit had died.  It is a lifetime subscription model so getting it fixed makes sense.  Apparently his hdd in the unit died.  Lucky for him I still have my old Series 2 that I pulled out of commission.  I am in the process of pulling an image from my Tivo using WinMFS to place on a new hard drive for his unit.  If all goes as planned he should be back in business shortly.

 Awhile back I posted a link to a site, felonspy.com, that supposedly identified felons that lived around you.  After I posted it I edited the post saying I thought it may be suspect since I could not verify any of names/addresses they listed.  Well Ali sent me this which confirmed my suspicions.  It’s all a big joke.