Cat continues

So tomorrow will mark a week since the cat was taken to the vet and unfortunately I have seen very little improvement in her condition.  She has eaten very little over that time period, acting like her ear problem causes her discomfort while eating. She will approach food and then start shaking her head and scurry away.  I’m not really sure how much further I am willing to delve into the problem.  Perhaps this is simply Spook’s swan song. 

When I talked to the vet about the issue last week she wasn’t real sure on a course of action beyond the meds we were given.  She mentioned the possibility of x-rays or an mri to investigate the problem further but both of those options, especially an MRI would cost a bunch of cash.  Even if it would show something, are we going to have brain/ear surgery on the cat? Of course that would not make sense. 

Her ear looked like less of a mess last night so perhaps we are making some progress.  Yesterday morning she ate/licked a small amount of food but consumed nothing since.  I am thinking if she eats nothing today that I will touch base with the vet again tomorrow.  I am tiring rapidly of the situation.  The weird thing is besides looking like she was hit with a bat, her unstable gait and regular head shaking, Spook has been friendlier than normal and has been looking for some attention.  Perhaps it is similar to terminally ill people that sometimes will have a brief but substantial improvement in their feeling of well being shortly before they kick the bucket.

Ali seems surprisingly detached from the situation.  Of course she helps me with the unpleasant duties of giving the cat medicine but she doesn’t seem all that concerned otherwise.  Perhaps her years of working in a nursing home has somewhat insulated her from the unpleasant last stages of old age.