4 stater

Today was a pretty uneventful day.  I started it off by doing a quick 2 mile run around the hotel.  There were plenty of hills around so it added a facet that you just don’t find often in Florida. 

We decided to stretch our drive today to try to gain extra time later in the trip to do stuff like see the Bonneville Salt Flats.  Instead of stopping at Omaha, Nebraska we instead pushed up to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Today we traveled through Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota and a quick jaunt into Nebraska just to take a picture of the state sign.

The drive today was pretty boring.  It was overcast almost the entire day.  We noticed a lot of flooded farm land along the way.  Evidently they got drenched around here late last week.

I found Iowa to be very annoying.  Interstate 29, which we were traveling on had no less than a dozen separate construction zones.  Instead of doing one section at a time, Iowa DOT seems to think that doing double digit smaller areas makes more sense.  I didn’t find much sensible about it.

By the time we got to Sioux Falls it was downright raw outside with temps in the low 60’s and  a steady misting rain.  We are spending the night in a Super 8 Motel just relaxing.

Tomorrow we are going to be getting into the meat of the trip with a visit to Mount Rushmore.  We might take a few minutes to see Wall Drug as well, a place I remember well from my trip west with my dad when I was younger.

If you want to see some of the pictures so far you can check them out here.