Shake weight, Chris McKendry

While I was putting in my mileage on the treadmill yesterday I saw a commercial for what may be the silliest, yet most sexually suggestive exercise device yet, the Shake Weight.

The Shake Weight is an elongated dumbbell with each weighted end connected via a spring like device.  The pitch is by moving the weight back and forth rapidly in short movements you develop muscle tone from resisting the inertia.

The reality is you look like you are practicing your two handed phallus technique.  You have to see this thing in action to believe it. Here, take a look.

Anyway, even though I was at the top end of my aerobic capabilities, I laughed out loud when I saw the commercial.  I really need to meet a real life Shake Weight customer.

When I am on the treadmill I typically have ESPN on.  The hosts over the lunch hour include Chris McKendry.  I don’t understand why they have this woman on Sports Center, the holy grail of male tv watching.  You would think any woman that was a host on ESPN would be steaming hot since that is what men appreciate. Well Chris McKendry  is looking pretty ragged nowadays.  I am thinking her days in front of the camera may be winding down.

Read the quote below on some guy’s website – I couldn’t agree with him more.

Have you ever heard of people that treat symptoms instead of problems?  Doctors and especially pharmaceutical companies LOVE these type of individuals, hell they try to breed them.  The game works like this.  People willingly abuse their bodies via smoking, overeating or lack of exercise (or any combination) and as a result they develop health conditions.  The pharmaceutical companies then will happily swoop in and give you a miracle pill to treat the symptoms of your ailment.  In their ideal world people will simple continue to abuse their bodies so they continue to suffer the symptoms so they can profit as a end result.

To me, it’s pure insanity for someone to rely on a plethora of pills to maintain their day to day existence when they could simply work on the real source of the problem and address it directly.  I mean really, wtf?  If you kept hitting your hand with a hammer every day would you continue the behavior and just keep taking pain pills for the pain or would you stop swinging the hammer? (or at least get some better aim)

Of course as much is in life, it comes down to convenience/laziness.  It is far easier in many peoples minds to just take some pills than to change a lifestyle that they deem comfortable.

It’s a dreadful cycle that has been exploding over recent years.  Self responsibility becomes trivialized when you can rely on modern medicine to keep you alive despite your best efforts to the contrary.