Forfeit, full

Yesterday Jeremy officially forfeited the weighted pull up competition that was scheduled to take place at my place Saturday afternoon.  He negotiated a lesser punishment for an early forfeit as opposed to the gallon of whole milk he would have had to consume if he lost.  Instead he has to eat a quart of full fat, max calorie ice cream in 30 minutes.

I’m a bit surprised he forfeited.  Sure he had been saying for weeks that he hadn’t been doing any training between the holidays and getting ill.  However, knowing that Jeremy is a skilled poker player, I always suspected that he could just be bluffing me about his lack of effort in order to lull me into overconfidence.  Evidently he had a 3 and 6, unsuited and decided to fold before the river.  It was a smart move in the big picture.

We had discussed various forfeit options.  I threw out stuff like doing the cinnamon challenge (try to down a heaping tablespoon of cinnamon), eating one habanero pepper, down a can of dog food and several others.  I originally was pushing for Jeremy to down a half gallon of ice cream instead of a quart.  I eventually relented as I didn’t want him to be sick to his stomach during the duration of his visit.

Despite Jeremy pulling out of the official competition I will still do a solo attempt.  I have been training for it so I might as well see it through to the end.  I did another set of weighted pull ups last night after work to get ready.

Ironically, Randall, who was not in the competition, has been much more vocal in his lambasting of Jeremy for the forfeit than I have been.  He has even gone as far as to challenge Jeremy to a conventional dead hang pull off to further stomp Jeremy’s pull up reputation into the mud.

This whole week will be full of prep for Ali’s race this weekend.  There are lots of things to do.  Hopefully we manage to not leave any details behind.