Ghost town groceries, Breaking Bad

So once I fed the dogs I hurried out the door to get to the Ave Maria Publix, a tradition when Ali is out of town.  The reason I needed to hurry was because the store closes at 7pm. Catholic town shuts down early.  Even though students are back on campus it didn’t make a dent in the amount of people at the store.  The main lot had less than 10 cars in it.

Shopping at the Ave Maria Publix always takes some getting used to since the layout is rearranged and condensed from what I am accustomed to with our normal super sized Publix.  I went down most aisles alone, only occasionally having to pass an employee facing shelves.

At the checkout I actually had to wait in a line of one.  It wasn’t too bad though since they only had one register open and nobody even bagging.  I genuflected as I walked out of the store and said a few hail mary’s on the way home.

My buddy at work who endorsed Dexter very early on also had been encouraging me to throw Breaking Bad into my Netflix queue.  I have never been disappointed in his television recommendations in the past so I finally got around to getting my first dvd yesterday.  I threw the DVD into my Xbox before bed and started watching.  By the time I turned the Xbox off I had watched all 3 shows on the 1st DVD, it was after midnight.

The premise of the show is really different.  A chemistry teacher that had to work a second job at a carwash to get by finds out he has lung cancer.  In order to provide for his family since he won’t be around all that long he decides that he would embark on a career of cooking crystal meth, putting his chemistry knowledge to practical use.  The lead is played by the dad from Malcolm in the Middle.

It’s a great show, trust me.  You WANT to see it.

This solo weekend will be quite busy.  I have a race to time tomorrow.  Not having Ali around will put a lot more demands on me.  I am hoping the race doesn’t have a bunch of walk up entries.

When I get home I surely will want to try to knock out all available house chores before the sun goes down Saturday.  Then Sunday morning I will be up and out early providing water support for Michelle for her long, long run.

I’d like to get some time to buzz my hair as well. I may video the session, demonstrating my new and improved technique.  Having my hair high and tight will be a good thing with my skin surgery next week by my ear.

Yesterday Jeremy linked me to a picture of an elite female cross fit winner.  Where is she you ask?  On the right.  Yes, the little muscle bound asian is named Kristan Clever.  Yes, she looks like a total he.

Jeremy and I discussed Kristan and her appearance.  I think her marine haircut is the biggest obstacle in seeing her as a woman.  Well that and the huge shoulders, ripped arms and thick neck.  Still if she had a ponytail I think it would make a big difference.

All I know is she can do more pull ups than I can.