No bj’s, 3:46

My gouty/sprained thumb is getting better.  I have regained much of the functionality  in it.  It’s still swollen and somewhat sore but at least I can hold a tooth brush and turn the ignition key in the truck with my right hand again.

I saw the Bob Costas phone interview with Jerry Sandusky that aired last night.  The best adjective to describe it was, creepy.  Jerry’s lawyer was live and in studio for the interview.  I was pretty shocked that first of all Jerry would even agree to do an interview at this point and second that he basically said he was innocent of all charges of sexual abuse.

He admitted he showered with the boys after “workouts” and that there was “horseplay” (a word he used often) that went on but he flat out denied there was any sexual contact.  Jerry’s lawyer said he is confident that several of the victims will flat out deny that any sexual wrong doing occurred.

I find it hard to believe that anyone that heard/saw the interview would be swayed one bit towards believing Jerry was innocent, despite his claims to be.  He didn’t come off as anything  more to me than a sick, perverted old man that has fooled himself into thinking he can get away from his darkness one last time.

I think Jerry would be best served to never speak publicly again and consider gargling with a .357 magnum to save the world from seeing just how awful this is going to become.

Once again last night I found myself waking up between 3 and 4 am after a dream, 3:46 am to be exact.  It seems that this is the designated waking period regardless of when I close my eyes.  Last night I was out at a ridiculously early 9 pm.  It’s very odd.

I have been watching a movie I heard about on Bubba of all places the past few nights called Burzynski.  It a documentary you can stream on Netflix or watch via the link I just provided.  You really should check it out.

In a nutshell, Dr Burzynski has devoted his life to finding cancer curing alternatives that didn’t have the awful and sometimes deadly on their own side effects that conventional chemotherapy has.  Well he has done it.

He utilizes something called antineoplastons, a non-toxic substance, to treat cancer.  He has been treating patients since the 80’s and has had a remarkable success record, in many cases completely curing patients that had inoperable tumors who were given death sentences by the conventional medical community.

I am only about a third of the way through the movie at this point but already what I have seen is pretty shocking.  There has been a tidal wave of opposition to his treatments from the aspects of the medical community that make fortunes treating cancer the old way.  They basically have been trying unsuccessfully to put him out of business for two decades plus.

It isn’t only the cancer business that is trying to squash the great innovation, even agencies like the Texas Board of Health and even the FDA has gotten in on the witch hunt, not because there has ever been anything proven medically wrong with Dr Burzynski’s practices rather because of the financial leverage that has been applied to these agencies from the corporations that wish to see cancer eternally treated instead of cured.  They don’t want a cure for cancer, it’s bad business.

Now Burzynski’s treatment is of course not the silver bullet that cures all cancer all of the time.  However the studies show that somewhere in the neighborhood of 25-30% of his patients were cured of cancer where they had no shot using more established practices.  If I had cancer I would take a 1-4 or 1-3 shot at beating it over zero anyday.

It’s just another example of big business trying to squash innovation in the name of preserving their cash cow, regardless of the morality involved.  This happens so frequently that it seems to just be accepted practice.  Food, medicine, banking, government, it’s all corrupt at it’s core.