Fil-A gay, one hand man, Lube it

The Chick-Fil-A bullshit has grown into an even bigger mess.  You know once Sarah Palin starts commenting on a situation it is a certified three ring circus.  The images of people wrapping around the store to “support” Chick-Fil-A literally made me sick to my stomach.  I mean really, this is the way you are going to show you give a damn?  Sheeple are so disappointing.

I was chatting to Homey about this yesterday and he was pissed off at the calls from gay activists groups to picket Chick-Fil-A locations to harass customers.  I think that behavior is out of bounds as well.

I just don’t get it.  It is all posturing that at the end of the day accomplishes NOTHING. Well nothing except giving Chick-Fil-A a lot of Jesus dollars from gay marriage opposing religious individuals.

My position is extremism, regardless of the cause, is something I don’t support.

Last night I tried a balancing move I never pulled off before, the one hand handstand.  It is one of the BB challenges this month.  I actually held it against the wall for 25 seconds.  It was cool.

This weekend I plan to do oil/filter changes on all three of my vehicles, I’ll be running a regular Jiffy Lube out of my garage.  The Tacoma is due because of mileage, the SSR and party van are ready based on time since neither of them are driven all that much.