Dirty mermaid, old school

Last night was the running club board meeting.  The meeting seemed to suffer from an overabundance of verbosity.  I got a lot of doodle time in.

After the meeting we headed over to South Street and had the required amounts of fun and good times.  Tuesday was karaoke night.  There were some REALLY poor singers there however the most interesting thing was when after 10 pm two “adult” songs were sung.  One was performed by a young woman, it was a dirty version of the Little Mermaid song, which was mildly disturbing.  The second song was equally dirty if not slightly more so.  The few beers I had made me laugh out loud at both of them, despite my confusion about why I was hearing it.

Congrats to Trey Radel, a congressman based out of SW Florida.  He has the dubious honor of being the first US Congressman to be arrested on drug charges since 1982.  Apparently in addition to being a self admitted alcoholic, he also has a liking for cocaine.  He got arrested trying to buy some from an undercover agent at the end of October.

Nowadays it seems much more fashionable for congress members to be rocked by sex scandals.  Getting shamed with a drug bust is very old school.  Way to represent!

I actually got a Dufisthenics app published on Google Play yesterday.  The “real” app I am trying to get published via conduit.com is nowhere to be seen at this point.  I started the submission process for it last week.  Yet, by submitting my Dufisthenics app manually on Google Play I was able to get it out there in less than a day.  Manually trying to publish an app on Apple’s developer platform unfortunately is not so simple.

I had asked Jeremy to install my Dufisthenics app since he has an Android phone.  However, in typical Jeremy fashion he decided to be difficult about it and refused to do so.  Instead I now am wrangling with an Android simulator to see if I can successfully launch the app.
