Archives 2014

Blowing blood, party pooper

So after getting home last night I was getting changed to head out out to the GCR holiday party with Cindy.  As has often been in the case I had to blow my nose.  Sometimes when I blow my nose it also triggers a simultaneous cough which amplifies the air pressure coming out.  Well this was the case this particular time however I was stunned for a second when a very red tissue was in my hand.  At the same time I could feel liquid working it’s way down my nostril followed by a lovely stream extending onto my upper lip, great….

Evidently my inflamed, over used nasal passages finally let loose.  I laid on the bed for about 10 minutes trying to get things to calm down which I was only mildly successful at doing.  Having a bloody nose and a runny nose at the same time is a bad combination, making coagulation very difficult.

10428585_908629922483596_6973954518473398792_nBy the time we got to the party it was 6:30 and there was already a small line of people waiting to get in.  Cindy and I took over the guest check in, relieving Ali, who had to leave and Mary, one of the board members.  We stayed at the door most of our time there, only taking short breaks to grab food or run to the bathroom.

The food was fine and I had maybe 3 beers but I really was not feeling very festive at all.  A little after 9:15pm Cindy and I called our door check in responsibilities complete and headed out of there.  It definitely was my least memorable GCR party to date.

Randall rolls in tonight.  He will be helping with/participating in the race tomorrow and we will have a fun rest of the weekend doing whatever I am sure.  I just hope my wellness level picks up.  I still sounded AWFUL this morning when I woke up and once again only got a partial nights sleep after waking up at 3:30 am and struggling to return to the land of slumber.

Trudging along

So I made it through the entire day at work yesterday.  I went to the employee med clinic and they said it sounded like I had an upper respiratory virus that has been very prevalent right now.  I could have had them write me a script for antibiotics just in case it wasn’t viral but I don’t want to take them unless I am sure I need them.  As a day goes on my symptoms settle down but they seem to get worse later at night and especially first thing in the morning.

Last night I had a bad night of sleep, the sleep portion of it ending right around 2:45 am.  Despite being desperately tired I was unable to fall back asleep basically until the 5:30 alarm went off.  At some point my body will want a 12 hour sleep session to catch up.

After work last night I picked up the dogs for their long weekend at the house.  They just seem so happy once they get there.   Cindy customized their food stands to go along with the new corner cabinet, adding a big first initial for each of them on the front.  It’s cute.

Tonight won’t be a great night to catch up on sleep since it is the running club Christmas party.  In recent years I have been one of the last ones to head out, drinking my ass off and just generally being silly.  I am not expecting this year to follow that game plan.  My illness and having a race to do this weekend are likely going to cut my celebration time short.

Did I mention I got my first WoW character to the new level cap of 100 while home sick?  Real life sickness translates into virtual accomplishments in my world.

Giving it a go, tragic irony

So yesterday I was still highly symptomatic with plenty of death rattle coughing, nose blowing and sneezing.  The only positive I had going on was overall my energy level felt like it stabilized from the constant decline I was on for the last several days.  I did a few small piddly things around the house to try to feel some degree of usefulness and normalcy.

When I first get up in the morning it is like all of the symptoms come in at once, like they are just waiting to annihilate me while I slept.  I woke up this morning looking and sounding awful.  I had already decided that I was going to work regardless, if for nothing else to visit the employee health clinic to let someone look at me.  I have a race coming up this weekend, I can’t be feeling like this still.  I generally try to avoid antibiotics as a rule as they are over-prescribed which limits their effectiveness over time.

I have a busy stint coming up with Ali leaving town again, meaning I am picking up the dogs tonight.  The running club Christmas party is Thursday and then I have a race to time on Saturday.  Sir Randall is supposed to be gracing us with a visit as well this weekend so I really no longer have the time to be sick.

Since I changed my mom’s address to be my address after she passed away I still regularly get her mail.  I am still tying up loose ends, notifying companies that she only dealt with sparingly about her death.  Yesterday I opened a piece of mail that left me sitting in my chair with a blank stare for a few moments.  It was a letter from the hospice company that was involved with my grandmother before she passed away.

The letter was a notification to my mom that the complimentary 13 months of grief counseling services, which of course mom never utilized, were now expired.  Reading it made me think about my grandmother passing away, my mom’s reaction to it and the bitter irony of it all.

Grief counseling services of course were offered to my family as well after mom’s death and of course utilizing them did not enter my mind for even a millisecond.  I am sure in many situations, depending on the individual, grief counseling can without a doubt be a good thing.  I just know that in my individual sphere of consciousness it isn’t a service that would help me anymore than the self analysis I always do.

The sounds of sickness

I was intending to try to go to work today but as soon as I got up the coughing, sneezing and nose blowing began in earnest.  At work it is generally frowned upon to go into work when you are highly symptomatic as spreading the illness around the office is never a good thing.

My sick day yesterday was not exciting and borderline depressing.  I felt like I should make better use of my time but I just felt sapped of any motivation to do so.  As a result I slept, futzed around on the computer, and watched some Iron Chef episodes.  I never feel good about sitting around. I tried to accomplish some online Xmas shopping yesterday and was only partially successful.  Even that seemed too much to think about.

I am hoping one more day of a vegetative state will allow me a firm foothold towards recovery.  I don’t like this feeling at all.


Negative progression, cute corner, not top

So I am at home today after sleeping in until almost 8:30 which is unheard of in my world.  It is the end result of the now approaching week long ailment that started off with an irritating but presumed innocent sporadic dry cough early last week.  As last week progressed the coughing worsened but I still felt functional enough, I was going to the gym and performing my normal routines.

Well over the weekend the coughing got worse to the point it was going on most of Friday and Saturday night waking me up endlessly both nights.  In addition head congestion has worsened as my nose is getting close to the raw point from excessive tissue usage.  Lack of energy and and overall tiredness has also been my state of being for most of the weekend as well.  Last night I noticed the glands in my neck were tender and swollen which typically means the body is dealing with some sort of infection.  If I would go to a doctor I have no doubt a pack of antibiotics would be thrown at me. But at least for now I am trying to ride it out and let my body beat back whatever is assailing it naturally.

10670272_10153389115897841_1811872932681563031_n[1]Despite my feeling shitty I still did try to get some stuff done this weekend.  One of those things was the kitchen corner cabinet.  My part of it was pretty minor as all I did was cut and attach the kick plate to the piece. Cindy finished the countertop with two glaze coats which left it looking almost like a mirror since it was so shiny.  On Sunday she totally reorganized the kitchen, utilizing the new found storage space to shift things around in a way that will make her kitchen time more productive.

On Saturday night since I was feeling shitty we didn’t even talk about going to the movies.  Instead we watched Non-stop which had shown up in the mailbox during the day.  It was a great action flick that had you going from start to finish.  I’d actually give an A-.  It’s too bad Liam Neeson didn’t figure out he was good at action movies until later in life.

On Sunday any endurance training was totally off the table, for me at least.  Instead we mostly tended to things around the house with a mid-morning coffee/errand run.  One of those stops was to Rural King.  I was returning the big bag of cedar shavings that we bought for chicken bedding.  For some odd reason I decided to look up if cedar shavings were ok for chickens AFTER I bought them.  The answer I got was a resounding NO so we swapped it out for the regular dried pine shavings we have been using.  I’m glad I checked.  Cindy got her endurance training in late in the day with and hour long run around the back yard.  That is a LOT of laps.

Sunday evening I took in the Eagles game.  It was against the Seahawks, last years Super Bowl champion and one of the elite teams in the NFC this year once again.  A few times this year the Eagles have played “elite” teams in their conference.  For the 3rd time in four tries they proved they are not up to the task.  The game was not nearly as close as the 24-14 final score.  The Seahawk defense absolutely smothered the Eagles, holding them to their lowest yardage ever since Chip Kelly took over. It was pretty embarrassing.  I turned off the game feeling much the same way I did when the Packers destroyed the Birds a few weeks back.  The Eagles are good but they aren’t great.

Today I hope to at least get some stuff done while trying to recover.  Did I mention I hate feeling sick?



Finally after 50 tries, check is in the mail, bird in the bedroom, sick sucks

sitesSo after pretty easily migrating my Dufisthenics blog and the GCR web site over to GoDaddy shared WP hosting I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get my main blog over there.  I lost count of how many times I tried to move it unsuccessfully.  The migration would start, run for awhile and then fail with no clear explanation of why.  I was surprised when I called into GoDaddy support (US based) that they really couldn’t tell me why it was failing either.  They just gave me general guidelines to follow like disabling pretty much all plug ins, making sure the accounts I provide for the migration have the proper security and a few other generic common sense things.  None of them worked.

So I was doing some more digging around in my blog files.  I found a glutton of files that were created by the caching plug in I was using to appease IX.  There were literally 10s of thousands of files just sitting there doing nothing.  In addition there were several gigs of back up files from another plug in I had to use to back up the blog since IX basically does not back up their customers data in any sort of reliable manner. (GoDaddy does nightly back ups which you have access to for the prior 30 days)

There were so many junk files in there it literally took a couple hours to delete them all with my FTP client.  My theory was the migration, which includes copying all of the files in the WordPress installation via ftp to the GoDaddy servers was simply dying due to the volume and size of the files in my existing set up.  Last night after the clean up finished I initiated another migration, hoping when I woke up the next morning I would have an email saying it was successful.

Imagine my joy when I flipped on the computer this morning and saw it actually worked.   I am again using a hybrid approach to make this happen, where certain parts of my online presence, the stuff that doesn’t generate TOS violations, will remain on the IX servers for now.  The blog, which used to live at  will instead now be accessible at which is kind of easier to remember anyway.  Enjoy your IX Webhosting-free  reading experience.

I was in touch with the Rhinoshield office again yesterday working out them sending me a check to take care of repainting the pool deck.  Sure it would have been nice to have someone else do the work but to be honest I think I will do a better job of it.  I will get some high quality deck paint and go to town whenever I can tack a few vacation days onto a weekend.  It will get several coats of paint for sure.

Last night Cindy applied the final coat of stain to the new kitchen corner cabinet.  The process filled the house with some pretty oppressive fumes.  We moved Tuki into our bedroom to protect him from the fumes.  Birds can be very sensitive to that sort of stuff.  He was a bit disoriented in the bedroom but it seemed like he actually sort of liked being in the same room as us when the lights turned off.  He didn’t make any noise all night which was great.  He will be staying in there until Cindy applies the final glaze coat to the counter top over the weekend.

This weird, very slow moving ailment I have is pretty miserable.  My voice is almost gone and my throat and abs hurt from the hacking dry cough that has come along for the ride.  This morning I was just feeling very low energy and rundown.  If we weren’t already short at work I would have probably bagged it.

If this continues to worsen it could make for a bummer of a weekend.  I am starting to ingest stuff to battle the symptoms.  I did an Airborne with my eggs this morning and grabbed some liquid cough medicine on my way to work.  I’m crossing my fingers the wellness meter starts moving upward again soon.



One TOS too many, sandy, funny start

ixsucksSo yesterday morning I received yet another TOS (terms of service) violation email from my good buddies at IX Web Hosting.  Evidently the participants from the Turkey Trot hitting the GCR web site was too much traffic for my “unlimited” shared hosting plan to handle.  As is always the case when this happens, IX simply turns your site off until you contact them.

So I decide to go through their Romanian online chat tech support instead of dealing with their India based phone help desk.  After waiting close to 30 minutes I finally get someone on the other side and after another 20 minutes my site is finally turned back on after I promised to follow the guidelines the support person sent me via email.

Well I have had years and years of problems with IX including their insecure servers which allowed my sites to be hacked repeatedly, poor reliability and performance, highlighted by the SIX DAY outage when they had a SAN crash, and their brilliant decision to outsource their US based call center to India.  The only way you get to speak to an American now is if you want to buy something from them.  If you have a problem you get to deal with an Indian on the other side of the globe who you will be lucky to understand every third word out of their mouth.

So anyway I finally took some action and although it isn’t a total IX divorce it gets me out from under the threat of TOS bullshit.  I migrated the WordPress sites I use for Dufisthenics and the running club to GoDaddy yesterday.  The plan I bought includes up to 5 WordPress installations so I figured I may as well take advantage of it. I am planning to move the blog you are currently reading there as well once I work out a couple bugs.

The GoDaddy hosting I bought is tailored and optimized for WordPress so I shouldn’t have to deal with the normal shared hosting bullshit I have consumed from IX for so long.  Another barrier to me moving hosts was the hassle in doing so.  GoDaddy can make this process stupidly easy.  You provide them access to your current site and they can duplicate it on their hosting in less than an hour.  It’s awesome.

I am actually using a hybrid approach to this since I already have stuff like domain names, DNS and email bought and paid for on IX which works fine.  I would have to pay extra if I wanted to duplicate that service on GoDaddy.  So I am just leaving that stuff as is and just moving the WordPress installations which will basically eliminate the vast majority of my problems with IX.  It feels good to move away from the source of so many of my cyber-headaches.

10845946_10153383815872841_5995774532046192826_nAfter work I bought a small palm sander, another kitchen corner inspired purchase.  Cindy used it last night to do all sorts of smoothing and rounding of edges on the table top.  When she was done the counter top had a distressed look that was sort of cool but the plan is for Cindy to hit it with one more layer of stain before finishing it off with a glaze coat.

I had my hole bit attached to my drill last night to drill two holes, one in the inside of the corner cabinet to access the electrical outlet and a second one on the counter top to route the cords through.

This morning I started my Thursday morning unconventionally with prolonged, laugh out loud inciting videos.  The first was LA Beast swallowing 15 hot dogs without chewing them.

The second video was a hilarious scientific explanation of how to find a wife using careful formulas that utilize a crazy versus hot graph.  It is amazingly funny.


Some up some down, Rhinoshield reimbursement

So the good news is my shoulder pain is lessening by the day meaning whatever I did in there was not something catastrophic like a complete tear.  I am still not engaging in any upper body exercise that causes any semblance of pain but I think I may be in good enough shape to get some rowing in at the gym today.

On the down side, this very slow moving illness keeps progressing which so far has the symptoms of a dry hacking cough, nasal drip and a weird sounding voice.  Usually illness with me swoops in quickly, hits me hard and then leaves quickly as well.  This is definitely not following that blueprint.

Yesterday I heard back from the owner of the Florida region of Rhinoshield.  On Monday I made good on my promise to elevate my complaint after the local installer ignored me for over a month.  The owner said his attempts to contact the local guy failed as well.  He said perhaps he was in Columbia, maybe he has family there?  I told him this was all too familiar for me.  The original job and the entire process of my trying to get the problems remediated have been full of nothing but poor/no communication and terrible customer service.

I asked the owner if he had any other sub-contractors in the area that could do the work as I had no desire to have Giovanni involved whatsoever at this point.  The owner then threw out a suggestion that surprised me.  He said I could find someone to do it myself and he could just cut me a check to reimburse me for paying for it. I liked that suggestion.

1475875_10152668488277841_814819137_nAt first I was thinking about doing exactly what he suggested but after talking to Cindy it morphed into paying ME $500 to do it.  I can certainly handle the job and will take great care to make sure it is done right.  The labor isn’t that hard.  After pressure washing the deck and letting it dry thoroughly most of the painting is done via just pushing a big roller around on the ground.

So my new plan is to call the owner back today and let him know I found someone to do the work, I just won’t let him know the contractor shares my address.


Macgyvered, other opinions, Lights

1660882_10153380303542841_6833230397414523198_nSo on my lunch hour yesterday I bought some thinner material to use for bracing the poplar boards that we made the top out of.  I found some 1/4″ thick plywood fencing material that looked promising.  I also grabbed a box of shorter 1-1/4″ wood screws so I wouldn’t have the clearance issues I had with my first bracing material.

When I got home I wasted little time after taking care of the dogs and chickens.  Despite a shoulder that was killing me all day I managed to get the counter top into the garage by keeping my left arm pinned to my side as I lifted. I sat the top on top of the styrofoam packing the table saw came in.

One at a time I removed the thick bracing pieces and replaced them with the plywood I bought.  I added a couple additional pieces and used some additional screws to make sure the boards were locked in place.  When we picked it up after I was done it felt very solid, like it was one big section of wood instead of four smaller ones.

I was happy that when we placed it on top of the cabinet it fit cleanly instead of rocking like a see saw. It looked good.  Luckily I had a box of 2″ black wood screws.  I countersunk a couple of them around the outside edge to secure the top.  I then had Cindy act like a human clamp to allow me to secure the back splash pieces we cut.  I used a minimum of screws as I wanted to make it easy to take apart if need be.

10524653_10153380303532841_2125420358653566001_nCindy and I then carefully positioned the cabinet into the corner, it looked pretty damn cool.  Cindy of course was very excited.  I was more relieved that once again, despite no formal planning, another spur of the moment project turned out pretty well.

There are a few things to be done yet.  Cindy is going to do some more tweaking on the top including sanding and applying a thick glaze coat.  I will probably be drilling a small hole in the back corner to allow for small appliances to be plugged into the outlet behind the cabinets. I also need to buy a small piece of kick plate to be glued to the front sections of the cabinets. Other than that, my part of it is done.  All together, if I don’t count the purchase of the table saw I spent less than $500 for the materials, not bad.

Yesterday I sort of glassed over the Christmas decorating Cindy and I did on Saturday.  We decorated the front six cabbage palms as I have done pretty much every year.  However for the first time in quite awhile I also strung lights along the front roof line of the house.  When paired with the Christmas tree in the window, the led, color changing snowmen, and the lighted Rudolph complete with a blinking red nose, I am pleased with this years decoration efforts.

10502461_902106583135930_8462056845592289845_n My timer buddy John invited me to a FB forum that is nothing but race timers.  I posted in there about the issues I had with timing on Thanksgiving and immediately got a ton of useful feedback that will help me going forward.

My official diagnosis of the missed reads is they were the result of some sloppy placement of equipment at the finish line that put potential sources of electrical interference too close to the timing mats/cables.  In some ways the missed reads were a good thing as I have a better plan going forward when timing large events.




Too much, by the foot

Excessive is how I would describe several aspects of my Thanksgiving 4 day weekend.  Let me see how much detail I can pull out of my cranium.

Wednesday night was just crazy.  I went straight to the running store after leaving work early where packet pick up for the race was going on.  There was a huge stack of paper entries waiting for me to key into the system as well as endless emails on my phone notifying me of each online sign up.

1779211_10153370619902841_4105914342199345379_nWhen I got home I knew I was going to have to do some creative data entry.  I ordered 3000 bibs for this race, a number I thought was overly generous since last year we had around 2250 people in the 5K event.  Well when I got done putting everyone in I had 2992 people signed up for the 5k race, leaving me no extra bibs basically for walk up entries.

Luckily I had about 150 bibs left over from last years race.  I had to do a lot of tweaking of some numbers and moving blocks of people around to make it all work but finally a little after 9pm I had the data side of things straightened out.

I was utilizing the recently repaired van for hauling the equipment because I had more with me than normal plus we were picking up the dogs on the way home since Ali was flying up to PA immediately after the race.  I had a tough time falling asleep as mental checklist after mental checklist was dancing through my brain, trying to make sure I had everything covered.

Even though the alarm went off at an awful 3:30 AM I was up and out of bed with no delay, I felt like the countdown timer had started as soon as my eyes opened.  Cindy and I were in downtown Naples well before 5AM unloading equipment.  The temps were on the chilly side in the low 50’s but not as bad as last year where it was downright cold.

1533939_10153373329812841_7990776252262871011_nSo early on things were going smoothly.  We had gotten there early enough that we had everything set up and ready to go well in advance of the huge crowd of 3000+ people.  However when it was 6:45 AM and there still weren’t that many people on site it became a problem.  It was almost like knowing a tsunami wave was coming.

Well the wave hit and it hit hard.  All of a sudden there was a sea of people converging on the registration area.  Ali was having endless paper applications apps thrown at her which I tried to assist on as much as possible.  The line of people to pick up their race packets all of a sudden became close to a 100 people deep at one time.  We had a problem.

When these race day situations pop up it’s all about how you react to them.  Well we didn’t handle this situation as well as it should have been, the pre-registered line just was not moving like it should have.  Things were so backed up that we actually delayed the start of the race by 12 minutes.

The scene at the start line was pretty insane.  There was a massive lake of humanity extending hundreds of feet behind the timing mats as well as hundreds more people on either side street.  Trying to funnel this many people into  roughly 25 feet of start line is not easy.  I had to stand as a human barricade in front of my timing equipment to prevent it from being run over.

In the middle of the the start a bad situation developed.  One of the start mats got kicked which folded up it’s lead edge.  Within seconds this fold increased as people repeatedly hit it with their feet, it looked like a half rolled burrito and was a major tripping hazard.  I really can’t believe nobody went down.  When the crowd thinned just a bit I dashed into the oncoming bodies and tried to flatten the mat out.  The one bystander watching saw my attempt and afterward told me I was risking my life doing so.

So I had another issue to deal with.  There were so many people in the race it literally took 5 minutes till they all cleared the start.  However I knew there were also some VERY fast people in the event, fast enough to complete the 5K distance in close to 15 minutes.  I decided to leave the start line up and running as I ran down to the finish line to get it up.  After setting up the finish I ran back to the start line which was a couple blocks away to collect the time file.  By the time I returned to the finish line the top runners already had crossed the lines, I hoped I would see their times on my monitor screen. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw they were.

Cindy was a very integral part of the event as she reprised her role as race mascot, complete with her turkey costume.  It’s a role she was made to do, she absolutely loved interacting with people in a goofy and friendly way.  Her contribution really added extra smiles for many, many people at the event.

For my part, I thought timing the race was going well.  I had two timing boxes running at the finish line to ensure I had reliable reads, one of them being the timing box I just bought.  The first issue I had wasn’t a data related problem, it was a physical one.  One of the mats with the used system I bought had a small tear towards the back end of it.  Well after thousands of feet running across it this small tear developed into a large tear which I did not even see until a spectator pointed it out to me.

My first attempt at remediation was to fold the mat under at the tear location however it was unsuccessful.  After a woman actually tripped on the mat and fell I ripped it off the course and disconnected it from the timing box.  At first I thought maybe the torn area could be repaired but closer inspection revealed the mat was just worn out.  The areas that weren’t ripped looked thin enough that they could tear easily  as well.  I guess I will be buying at least one new mat soon.

So once the physical issue was resolved some data issues started to pop up.  With this many people I already expected some issues related to the human error that invariably occurs when dealing with these numbers.  The first few problems I encountered were exactly that, somebody was wearing the wrong bib or got their bib swapped with somebody else.  However I then started getting more worrisome issues.

I had people coming up reporting the didn’t see their name on the results I posted on site.  I looked them up and they had a chip start time, when they crossed the mats at the beginning of the race but no time when they ran across the mats at the finish.  My first thought was maybe their race bib chip malfunctioned which is rare but can happen occasionally.  My concern increased when I took the bibs of a couple of these problem finishers and ran them across the finish line, they read just fine.

After the race the scale of this scenario became clear, there were over 200 people that I had a start time for but no finish time.  That’s just great.  To have this scenario with two timing boxes up and running seemed nearly impossible.  When I started with my corrections I did notice a pattern, it seemed the period of time where all of the failures took place was during the very busy finish segment where there were a non-stop flow of people crossing the mats simultaneously.  My assumption was that for whatever reason, the high volume was causing reads to be dropped.  I have reached out to several sources, including the manufacturer of the timing equipment looking for answers.

Other than my personal timing related issues the rest of the event went well. I saw lots and lots of smiles that helped to counteract my personal fatigue.  I do think that the number of people that were in the event were problematic and if the club wants to continue to allow the event to continue with an uncapped participant level there will have to be several logistical/equipment changes made to better accommodate these numbers.

10420358_900870789926176_7067330707326219051_nAfter the race we had to reload the van in a way that allowed for a small section of unused fold down bed space for the dogs to utilize.  I’m not quite sure how but we managed to get everybody in there.  When I think about getting rid of the party van I rarely think about these situations.  I literally would not have been able to get all of the stuff, dogs, and us into any other vehicle outside of a large van.

When we got home Cindy and I both had a ton to do.  Cindy’s family was coming over for Thanksgiving dinner so she had lots of prep to do.  My mountain of work was all post race related which included posting results, fixing results, updating the club web site and working on processing the finish line video I collected.

We were both buried in work right up until people started showing up.  In total we had 8 people over for the meal, the most I have had under roof for a Thanksgiving dinner in my house ever.  We had a large selection of good food to choose from.  Cindy’s two nephews that were over were big fans of the chickens.  It looked quite funny watching the chickens follow them around the yard.  I think everyone had a good time.

When the last person left the second quarter of the Eagles/Cowboys game was starting up.  I had so many other things to be concerned with on Thanksgiving that the Eagles playing on Thanksgiving was a minor side show.  With that being said I was still thrilled with the end result.  To have the Eagles lay a beating on the Cowboys, in Dallas, in front of a national Thanksgiving audience was a perfect way to wind down the day.

10429221_10153373502342841_6678796403613039200_nOn Black Friday Cindy had to work which left me alone to toil as I saw fit.  I did do some minor Xmas shopping at Sam’s while I was buying other grocery items but the majority of my day was consumed just doing more work.

I wanted to get the majority of the house chores done so our weekend could be relatively work free (lol to that), because I wanted to get the Xmas lights/decorations up on Saturday.  I also took the time to replace the driver side mirror I broke earlier in the week like a moron.  Of course I had to make a video out of it.

On Saturday before tending to the lights we had a weird shopping trip at Home Depot.  We were there to pick up some other items but out of the blue I pulled Cindy back to the cabinets area.  The idea had popped into my head about setting up a corner floor cabinet in the unused corner of the kitchen, between the dog eating platforms.

I was surprised when I saw a corner floor cabinet with a lazy susan inside of it could be had for around 200 bucks with the 15% discount HD was running currently.  When I mentioned the idea to Cindy she was very into it as the idea of additional counter and storage space in the kitchen was something she talked about in the past.  I completed the impulse buy with no clear plan of how it was going to all work, just a general confidence I would figure something out.

Getting the cabinet into the side door was very difficult, requiring me to remove  one of the rear captains chairs and awkwardly wrangle the piece into the van with an assist from a Home Depot employee.  Evidently sometime during this process I hurt my left shoulder, an injury that appears to have grown in severity over the last couple days.

10421345_10153376100847841_3000149354826090657_nWhen we got the cabinet in the house the wheels were spinning in my head as Cindy and I worked on setting up both the exterior and interior Xmas decorations.  As is often the case with my projects, they are organic and mutate as ideas develop.

Cindy and I talked about what to use as a counter top for the cabinet, I said possibly we could find a small piece of granite similar to what the rest of the kitchen is surfaced with.  There was potentially high costs associated with that option.  Yes it would be ideal to have the counter for the corner match but I am not OCD enough to care that much.

We then talked about the idea of adding a second cabinet on the right, utilizing still available wall space.  The idea quickly transformed into reality as we made out second trip to Home Depot of the day.  We were confused at first.  The corner cabinet was only 16 inches wide but all of the regular floor cabinets were 24″ wide.  When we looked a t a cabinet planning flyer we discovered that the corner pieces are designed to have an 8″ gap from the wall when mated to other cabinets, why that is I am not sure.

Cindy and I decided for the top we would take a shot out of making it out of some hard wood stained a dark color.  We found some nice looking poplar boards that seemed really cheap, we saw 10 foot long, 10-12 inch wide boards with a price tag of less than $6, what a deal!  Well when we got to check out our board pricing ignorance was revealed, the price was the PER FOOT price for the wood.  The wood that I thought was only costing us $20 instead wound up costing well over $100.

10384814_10153376100817841_1852546065475479122_nWhen we got back we pushed and piled stuff into their estimated position and liked what we saw.  When finished we thought it would be a great addition, now we just had to figure out how to get there.

On Saturday night we took a break from the cabinet project obstacle to watch The Purge sequel.  I went into the flick assuming it would not be as good of a film as the original which wasn’t fantastic but interesting.  The idea of a 12 hour annual period of government endorsed lawlessness is an intriguing concept for sure.

Well Cindy and I both were surprised that we thought the sequel was actually slightly better than the original.  There weren’t any big name actors in the sequel but I found it to be able to stand on it’s own feet without them based on story and action.  It gets a solid B+ from me.

10407180_10153377762007841_7808137836983253205_nSo Sunday morning we were out the door very early.  I had determined that in order to cut the boards as they needed, I had to use a table saw, my circular saw would not give a straight enough rip.  A table saw would have been a good thing for various projects I have done in the past so I saw this as a good excuse to finally get one.  Of course the cheaper Skillsaw unit I had targeted was sold out at Lowes, I wound up getting Kobalt saw which was more money but had the nice feature of folding up for storage.

Once we got home of course the first job was putting the saw together which took a little longer than I hoped but was pretty straightforward.  The majority of the rest of the day was consumed with the kitchen corner project.

I left Cindy mostly in charge of getting the top laid out and stained after I cut the boards to size.  At first I concentrated on getting the base cabinets attached to each other and set in place.  My goal was to not make the cabinets locked in place permanently.  I screwed them together but don’t plan to attach them to the wall.  Their size and weight should keep them in place but if for some reason we need to move/change something about them it is doable. The inconsistent kitchen floor made using a shim under the back corner necessary to eliminate wobble.

As far as attaching the boards together that would make the top the ideas there changed several times.  Cindy originally thought gluing the boards together would work.  I did not, assuming the one inch thick boards simply did not have enough glue-able surface area to be strong enough.  After putting our heads together we decided to utilize bottom support pieces screwed across the joints to hold everything together.  This presented it’s own challenges.

I did not have wood screws that were short/small enough.  I went to the near by hardware store but the smallest I could get were 1 and 5/8″ long.  If I drove it through the support piece fully the point of the screw would pop out the top of the surface which obviously is not good.  I came up with an unconventional solution to the problem.

I got my washer collection and put three of them onto each wood screw, effectively shortening the screw by around a 1/4″ or so.  I carefully secured close to 10 supports on the bottom of countertop using this method.  When we flipped it over it felt relatively secure.

10468054_10153377762017841_2560935464205046196_nHowever after we cleaned up, leaving the top outside to dry I realized I had created another issue.  The clearance on the top of the corner cabinet was just deep enough for the bracing boards I was using.  However the screw offset exceeded that clearance, not allowing the top to sit flush on the cabinets. Great.

The day had many on the fly solutions to problems, some of them actually worked like my attaching a series of 2×4 pieces to create an axillary support for the smaller board that was on the wall side of the counter top.

We wrapped up the day of labor very tired and slightly frustrated but both still optimistic that the final outcome will be a great addition to the kitchen workspace.  My current plan is to spend my lunch hour getting some thin plywood to use as bracing and team that up with shorter wood screws that won’t need spacers.

The reason I am willing to use my lunch hour to do this instead of going to the gym is my shoulder.  I awoke this morning with pretty severe pain doing most left arm movements.  I seriously could not imagine much exercise I could do at the gym that wouldn’t hurt so I figured I may as well get more kitchen corner project materials.  Of course the costs for the project have grown beyond my original expectations but that is pretty much always the case.

If you want to see the pictures from the project take a look here –

Thank goodness I had Cindy to help me shoulder the load throughout the weekend, it was a tough four days.