Making calls

I forgot to mention an interesting part of last nights half marathon related work.  I probably forgot since I got up at 4AM today, unable to fall back asleep.

I was going through my huge inbox, trying to handle runner requests one at a time.  I came across an email from a 70 something old woman who lives in Miami Beach.  She had gotten my email about the results and what to do if you did not see your name in them.  Unfortunately she didn’t quite follow the instructions completely and I had let her know that in a follow up email.  She wrote back saying her time wasn’t that big of a deal to her and I need not worry about it, she knew I had bigger problems to deal with.

Well her reply struck a chord with me.  I started going through my 10,000 finish line pictures and found an older looking woman that came across wearing a coat, covering up her number however the time was later than was in the email.  Well since I was getting ready to print labels for the award winners I wanted to make sure I had her time right in case it qualified her for the reward.   I didn’t have time to wait for an email reply since most 70+ year olds give email a rather low priority.  Instead I did something I rarely do, picked up the phone and called her.

At first I got the answering machine but once I identified myself as being from Gulf Coast Runners, the husband immediately answered.  He apologized but said they never pick up for unlisted numbers.  I told him who I was and why I was calling.  He sounded happy to hear from me and told his wife to pick up the phone.

She answered and before I could repeat who I was she said she recognized my voice from the race.  I told her I wanted to make sure I got her time in there so I asked if she was wearing a coat when she crossed the line.  She said she was indeed.  The lady was so nice on the phone.  She told me how she has been doing the race for many years and just loves it.  She told me she thought it was very nice of me to make the effort to call her to get her time recorded.

Her husband was on the other line listening evidently.  After we confirmed her time he told me how they felt about the race shirt.  They said that they used to love the old shirts and Faye still wears them to this day.  They both thought it was a real shame that the shirt quality has been so poor the last couple years, especially this year.  I told them we have gotten a ton of bad feedback on the race shirt and there will be no way it will be low quality next year.

Before we hung up they asked me if I ever get over to the east coast.  I said once in awhile but not too often.  They said the next time I do come over to let them know and they will take me(and Cindy) to lunch.  Wow, I couldn’t believe it.  I told them I hope to take them up on that offer sometime.  Sometimes you find little bags of kindness in areas you never expected.