A little bit of everything
Saturday Cindy and I were up at 4AM for the race. We set the alarm around 15 minutes earlier because we didn’t load the truck the night before. We got on site a little after 5:15 and got busy.
This race has the nicest registration area accommodations of any of our events as it takes place inside of Artis-Naples, the home of Naples Philharmonic orchestra. The area that we normally use for registration had some other stuff stuck there so Cindy and I had to do quite a bit of rearranging.
As I mentioned last week, this was the first race where I had Cindy run a split timing point for me. She handled the task well, we captured a split time for everyone we had chip finish time for. She added a nice touch by writing some words of encouragement for the runners on the street ahead of the split in sidewalk chalk. The winner of the race crushed the field, finishing almost four full minutes ahead of the second place runner.
Cindy and I got home between 10 and 10:30 and got busy. I worked on the post race processing and Cindy started on some of the chores. Mid-afternoon we had some errands to run, at the tail end of them we picked up Nicki and Sadie for a two night visit. Originally we had loose ideas about going to the movies Saturday night but those plans were abandoned later in the day when we both admitted that sitting in a theater would surely result in both of us dozing off, regardless of the quality of the movie. Instead we watched The Game Stands Tall, my latest Netflix rental, a movie about a high school football team that held an incredible 150 game win streak. The movie was solid and inspiring, a good B+ rental.
Sunday was a really good day. The weather was beautiful with cool temps and low humidity. It was almost perfect conditions for a run so that is what Cindy and I did, logging the 5.5 mile track and back course. The last mile and a half was pretty grueling as it was right into the face of a strong headwind. I can only imagine how it would have felt to ride bike into it.
We decided we would do something we always do at a time we never do it, go to a 1:05 matinee, making up for our missed Saturday movie. We took the SSR with the top down, taking advantage of what may be the last of the truly awesome weather of the spring. We went to see Insurgent, the second part of the Divergent series. I wasn’t all that thrilled with the first film. I found Insurgent more entertaining for sure but still nothing that would approach A quality. I will give this one a solid B+.
It was odd and a bit disorienting getting out of a movie at 3:15 in the afternoon. We got home and had plenty of time to get more stuff done. I was outside for awhile, first burying the extension cord that will provide power to the new shed/chicken coop. I then grabbed a shovel and dug a trench around three sides of the shed platform. The reason for doing so is to bury the fencing which will be used to keep digging predators out of the area. The chickens seem to really like hanging out under the platform so we are leaving the chicken run side open so they can do so if they want to.
Cindy was cooking/baking like mad in the kitchen making an awesome dinner and cake. I was the lucky benefactor of her efforts.
I wound down my Sunday playing a couple hours of WoW which was a nice way to decompress. It was the end to a Sunday that had almost the perfect balance of exercise, work, and play.
We still have not addressed our rooster situation. Both of us feel very guilty about the prospect of removing the birds from our backyard which they have certainly come to enjoy. We need to make sure that they are going to a new home where they will be free to breed and live their lives instead of becoming chicken nuggets.